Friday, October 19, 2018

Online vs. Traditional Classes

The decision to further one’s study requires planning and critical decision-making of the course to undertake as well as the mode of study.  A student can opt for the online class or undertake the traditional classes. There are several similarities and differences between online and traditional classes.  The first similarity is that both online and traditional classes require effective time management from both students.  In a traditional class, students must structure their time so that they have time to study, undertake projects, attend classes and complete their homework.  Similarly, students undertaking online classes must ensure that they organize their time so that they can study online.  The online students also need to find time to source for course material.  Secondly, student participation is critical for both online and traditional classes.  Students in traditional classes participate through class discussions and group activities (Tina, 2014).  The traditional classroom allows the student to participate in class activities, actively.  In online classes, students participate in online discussion accessed in chat rooms and message boards.  The online students interact on these platforms and share a wide range of perspectives on different issues.
Both traditional and online classes also provide students with exams and assignments that are marked by the examiner and for graded as part of the final grade.  Students in traditional and online classes require students to sit for different exams and assignments as mandatory practices. Students in traditional classes can have sit in examinations as well as takeaways.  On the other hand, online students may not be able to have sit-in examinations, but they can engage in practical examinations.
Several differences also exist between traditional and online classes.  The first obvious difference is that the traditional classroom involves the physicals presence of the teachers and students while the online class relies on the internet for purposes of learning.  The traditional classroom thus fosters face-to-face interactions and communication, an aspect that lacks in the online class. The traditional class enables students and instructors to have a better understanding of each other thus enhancing the learning process.  In contrast, the online class lacks the one-on-one student-instructor connection (Tina, 2014).  Students are also not familiar with each other on a personal level thus making activities such as group work difficult to undertake.
 The aspect of flexibility also arises when discussing online and traditional classes. Business professionals have a high preference for online classes because they are flexible.  Online classes give a student an opportunity to work with a schedule that suits him or her.  Online classes allow a student to determine a learning platform that does not disrupt his everyday life.  In contrast, traditional classes lack the flexibility that some students may desire.  Traditional classes are fixed, and students are expected to attend as attendance is part of the assessment and grading (Tina, 2014).  In a traditional classroom, a timetable highlighting the lessons and their time is presented to students who are expected to adhere to it.
In conclusion, the choice between traditional and online classes depends on a person’s preference.  There is little difference in the performance of the two types of classes since both require dedication and commitment so as to be fruitful.  Additionally, the preference of class can be determined by a person’s personality. Introverts may find online classes as ideal while extroverts may enjoy traditional classes.
Work Cited
Tina, H. (2014). Exploring the effectiveness of online education. IGI Global

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