Monday, October 8, 2018

Employment Opportunities for Java Developer in IT

Business operations are always defined as the essential process within the organization that does determine the move of achieving the defining goals. Some business got a lot of hardship in the management of the operations as well as collecting of data that is meant for defining the decision making the process for the company. It was underlined that network within the business defined the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, and it was until the realization of the global network that things were made such simple and easy. The automation of these processes does require the support of the specific integrated development environment and framework that will deliver appropriate applications to meet the objective.
The dot net technology came in and had been growing tremendous since the current world is depending only on the online applications. Governments are heavily investing in the online application to reduce the cost of running their nations. Amongst the technologies of dot net, Java technology has emerged as amongst the appreciated and applied technology. The technique has a simplified architecture and framework that enables engineers to develop a variety of applications that deliver different functions within a selected organization. The technology has led to some courses and training that people have gone through and at the same time it is known for covering a variety of jobs because of the wideness that the technology covers as far as information technology is concerned.
As a researcher, the goal of the project provides the information that regards the different employment opportunities for Java developer in an information technology environment. The project will involve the activities of brainstorming and conduct interviews as well as the administering of a questionnaire to make sure that first-hand information and massive data is also obtained. The initial activity of brainstorming was defined with providing the evidence and capturing of different opinions before moving to the division stage. The division stage did involve the actions of conducting a one to one meeting with the executive managers of selected and respective departments. The concern and focus were on the defining of the role of the Java Developer and then followed with the mentioning and outlining of the jobs available for the stated roles.
Action research can be defined as a systemic inquiry that is collective, collaborative, self-reflective, critical and undertaken by participants in the inquiry (McCutcheon and Jung 1990). Some people also define it as a form of collective self-reflective inquiry undertaken by practitioners in social situations with the aim of improving social or educational practices rationality and justice.  Action research technique plays the role of contributing the practical concerns of people in a problematic situation (McKernan 1991).
Action research background and application
The action research began as an improvement technique to the social societies in the United States by the American psychologist Kurt Lewin. The essence of the technique was to improve the relationships of the societies. Lewin defined the essence of ensuring that respective participants interacts directly with the challenges affecting the societies and that an intervention is done repetitively until the solution meets the challenges of the business (Lewin, 1946). McKernan (1991) came in support to the ideas of Lewin with the application of the technique. The action research methodology has been applied quite differently in many fields especially the education sector that changed even the curriculum of some institutions.

Action research process
The presented definitions of Action research methodology do draw the basic themes of empowerment of participants, acquisition of knowledge, collaboration through participation and social change. The process that the researcher goes through to achieve these themes is a spiral of action research cycles consisting of four major phases: planning, acting, observing and reflecting (Brien, 2001).
The planning phase is defined initial step of starting with the reconnaissance of the project that is followed by the provision of the plan that outlines the interventions to a given business underlying problem. It is always such long and full of creative. The action step is defined by the actions of implementing the defined activities in the planning phase. The phase is known of allowing the researcher to apply as many methodologies as they can to have the intervention implemented. The observation step is defined with examining and drawing of the conclusions base on the understanding drawn from the activities undertaken. Reflection step is known for being a critiquing step that gets the researcher to describe the entire iteration implementation.

Project justification
Software engineering field is defined with the function of developing applications, and this field has been advancing day and night. Operations done by engineers have applied different technologies. However, action research technique has been known for getting a researcher in an in-depth search that ends up delivering a good informing report. The technology is well known of being participatory, cyclic and reflective (Richard, 2000). The project is aimed at defining the employment opportunities for Java developer, and such a project is defined as massive research which must be detailed. The project requires and must involve the collection of huge information that upon analysis a substantive conclusion is drawn that regards the different and available employment opportunities for Java developer. Action research methodology is highly applicable as it will enable the researcher to have such a process of repeating activities such as interviewing given respondents.
Literature Review
The initial communication and sharing of resources were a little challenged by the discovery of networks. The networks provided a better way of sharing resources, but it was such limited until the introduction of internet in the 1970s. The global network has been influential in the growth of dot net technology globally since the technique is defined of facilitating internetworking. The dot net technology is the product of Oracle Inc. That appreciated the essence of providing a resilient integrated development environment that suits the technology growth of the world. Currently, over 60% of the world population has access to the internet and billions of communication and computing devices have access to the internet. The review shows the demand for the techniques of ensuring that the devices and the human are in the right direction of taking advantage and appreciating f the different services that can be delivered with online applications. Dot Net technology is defined as providing the development of applications that operates on a defined network, and Java technology is amongst the currently and commonly applied technique in developing most of the online applications. The Java technique has proved of being efficient and such friendly in developing such applications (Hammond & Wiley InterScience, 2002).
History of Java Technology
Java technology was discovered and implemented by the Sun Microsystems that was known as Solaris until the technology was taken over by the Oracle Inc. the realization of the Java technology was identified during the implementation of the Green project in 1991 and at this point, the Sun Microsystems were the sponsors. The primary objective of the Green project was to develop an advanced application development programming language that was intended to be compatible with the different digital devices and circuits of the televisions, radios as well as the communication set top boxes (Greanier, 2004). However, the project later resulted in the development of the Java programming language which describes the Java technology.
During the Green project implementation, James Gosling was the development project manager who worked relatively close with the key founders of the technology, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton. The personnel saw the formation of the small team that got the establishment of the current technology that is running the world as far as technology is concerned. The initial programming language developed was capable of working more relatively with the embedded systems and with relatively small electronic devices to enhance the communication. The programming language was known as the GreenTalk. The Green Talk was defined with an extension file of .gt. As the technology and research advanced the GreenTalk programming language advanced and got renamed as Oak which described the improved strength and power of the programming language as defined by Baesens, Backiel & Vanden, (2015). The Oak programming language name was used until in the late of 1995 when the Oak language was renamed to the current Java programming language.
The initial usage and application of the Java language got the engineers with hardship as the language demanded the interconnection to the global network very highly. The Java technology got strength with the introduction of The Web that saw the realization of the initial first Java enabled web browser called HotJava. The experiences with the browser got the researchers into the study that later provided the development of an advanced application of core Java code developer in 2007. Oracle Inc adopted the Java technology in 2009 from Sun Microsystems and extended the particular objectives of the Java technology to the currently featured Java technology (Reilly & Reilly, 2002).
Features of Java technology
Java technology is defined with the Java programming language that is well known for its adoption of object oriented principles. The capability has made Java programming language to be among the object oriented programming languages. The Java programming language is known of being unique in the sense that it adopts at large the principles and many features of C++ programming language. The common appreciative features being shared include the explicit pointers, and the operator overloading (Samanta, 2003).
Java technology has an independent platform that has made it efficient for developing programs such that it provided the capability of developing compatible programs that run on different hardware from different manufacturers. The language is also known for the conducive runtime environment and a specific and descriptive application programming interface (API) (Johnson, 2007).
The Java technology is also described as a write once ran anywhere (WARA) technique that saw the application developed using the Java programming language can run on different hardware and operating systems without the requirement of special configuration. This Java language has been known for being an implementer of object oriented programming since it always the doping of data and behavior respectively. Java programming language is known of applying the object oriented programming principles of polymorphism, abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation during the implementation of a given program as outlined by Sarang (2004).
Java Developer
A Java developer is known for being a specialist in the Java programming language with advanced knowledge in dot net technology. There are different duties that a Java developer is outlined to undertake, and this defines the kind of employment opportunity he can get employed at a given organization. The Java developer is much responsible for developing applications, and this involves a lot of information and activities. However, the personnel is known and outlined of getting employed to provide the technical support to an already established and working Java based application (Pilgrim, 2015).
Software engineering is a foiled that incorporates the works of a Java developer. As a matter of obtaining the understanding regarding the different employment opportunities to a Java developer, the researcher was involved in several ideal iterations. The iterations were defined with the objective of providing a better understanding of the different opportunities for Java developer in support of acquiring some advanced and basic knowledge about software development.

Iteration 1: Brainstorming 
The brainstorming session will mark an essential part of providing the chance of thinking and listing of the different opportunities that are available to a Java developer. During the brainstorming session, the researcher will take a focus on providing an understanding of the principles of Java as an application development programming language. There will be the outlining of the potential qualifications and the listing of different relevant opportunities that suit a Java developer.
Iteration 2: Division
The knowledge gathering will get extended to the divisional level which will define holding of different meetings with some potential executive representatives of the chosen organization. In a nutshell, the divisional meeting will get conducted in a one to one interaction with the human resource manager, the information technology, and telecommunication manager. The three personnel will provide a ground of drawing as much information as the researcher could that will facilitate the determination of the different employment opportunities for a Java developer in information technology.
Iteration 1: Brainstorming
The project objectives were defined through the initial step of brainstorming which defines the critical thinking of the researcher regarding the project implementation. As a mechanism of ensuring that efficient and reliable information is obtained regarding the understanding of the different opportunities for the Java developer employment, brainstorming stood as the potential tool. The iteration was ideally defined within different tiers that outlined the respective activities undertaken. The initial tier of the brainstorming session was the definition of the objectives of the project activity so as to ensure that all intended information is captured. The objective definition outlined the possible activities to take pace for obtaining the required understanding. This took the least time possible of less than two days as per the project schedule.
The brainstorming process was defined to take place in two different levels of the individual brainstorming the followed with the group brainstorming. The intentions of the structure did ensure that much information is obtained as required. The second tier of the brainstorming session was the establishing of the sourcing of the required information. This tier will take a focus on providing information regarding the different concepts of Java technology to establish an understanding of the core standing principles of the project. During the session, there will also be the outlining of the academic qualifications that a person must be in possession to be called as a Java developer.
The follow up session will include the thoughts about the different opportunities that are offered to Java developers. Once this is established the final thing was the information regarding the potential organizations that offer such opportunities. The third tier of the iteration will be the group brainstorming which will incorporate all the activities undertaken in the individual brainstorming. The developing of the thoughts will be done sequentially to make sure that every action is undertaken according to the requirement of establishing the understanding.
The activities during the brainstorming session are to provide an understanding of the employment opportunities for a Java developer. The brainstorming process was implemented initially with the definition of the objectives of the program. The objectives were defined on the ground of considering the academic qualifications of the Java developer, the establishing an understanding of what the researcher is working on, the potential and related employment opportunities and the mention of some of the organizations that may provide the position to those opportunities.
The objectives stood as the directives during the subsequent activities. It was followed with the individual brainstorming whereby each participant at this level took a list of the questions that answers (deliverables) were to get provided. This involved the individual thinking about the possible qualifications, the potential employment opportunities as well as the employers. The listing was not limited in any way or the other but was free and open. The individual thinking was to gather information at the personal level before giving way to the collective group discussion of the information and adding the missing essential points that regard the employment opportunities in particular.
The third session was defined with the group brainstorming which is known as the greatest session and climax of any brainstorming session. It is well known for delivering big data that stands at providing the reliable information about the respective topic. The information gathered in the individual brainstorming was collected and presented before the group. The deliverables were then subjected to discussions and through a collective thought, session to make sure more information is provided. The group brainstorming was the essential during the process. The information gathered was then set for analysis to draw out the potential employment opportunities, the potential employers and the requirements to the respective jobs in the market as far as Java developing a career is concerned.
Knowledge is defined with the in-depth of research done to produce evidence of the opinions and arguments regarding any given concept. Java technology has been developing since and has taken a course that is being applied widely in the world. The Java programming language does apply all principles of object oriented programming techniques and has made it be such popular. During the brainstorming session, all this information acted as the building stone is drawing the roles that Java developer do play in a given context. However, substantively, management of the online applications developing of the applications is most regarded role played by the Java developers and other roles.
The adoption of Java techniques requires the knowledge of dot net technology which describes the working of applications on a defined network. In the description of scenarios, a Java developer will come in to play the role of facilitating the functions of dot net technology. The most easily identified employment opportunity to a Java developer is developing applications that are Java programming language oriented. It was observed that Java developer employment opportunities are defined differently but in reality describing the same thing. The fact that is in every aspect of employment opportunity is that as long as an organization has operations that rely on a network, then a Java developer must be available to deliver the technical support, the system analysis services and other services as far as information technology is well concerned. Therefore, it is observed that Java developer job opportunities are available and are described differently such that they may be described based on the database, system analysis, application development, e-commerce and gaming applications (Malone, Hoffman & Bocchino, 2007).
The brainstorming session was conducted at two different levels of individual brainstorming and the group brainstorming. The sessions were intended at providing information that regards the identification of the potential employment opportunities for Java developer. The individual group is known for giving individual opinions irrespective of the understanding of the given concept. The group brainstorming does stand to seal the gap by providing a collective discussion of the concept as it comprises of experts who give direction to the juniors on how to approach the concept. The sessions were conducted as defined and they were successful in one way or the other.
The initial definition of the brainstorming session objectives did provide the required direction, and this enabled the easy meeting of the primary goal of the brainstorming session. The entire activities undertaken within the project were successful such that they led to the realization of the opportunities for Java developer apart from the mainly known job of developing applications. The process was also challenged in one way or the other. The information provided was biased in one way or the other as it relied majorly on coding and researchers did give opinions that regarded their interests (Andriopoulos & Dawson, 2008).
The process was quite successful but in such projects, data is an essential thing, and consultation stands another way. Therefore, there was the need for meeting some experts and executive manager to give direction regarding the topic. The consultation was done through the subsequent iteration of division which was more involving than the brainstorming session with the goal of obtaining the relevant and important information that regards the employment opportunities for Java developer.
Iteration 2: Division
The project of outlining the underlying employment opportunities for Java developer required a critical consultation session to make sure that sufficient information is obtained for growing well in the respective career. The division iteration was defined with the holding of one to on meeting with the different executive managers of the organization. The implementation of the iteration got the researcher to split the activities into several tiers. The initial tier of the process was defined as the action of searching and determining the potential organization of which the one to one meeting was to take place. The process just defined the sending of requests to the respective interested departs of the organization that is highly Information technology oriented (Smith, 2005).
The second session of the iteration was the determination of the questions that will bring about the conversion and gathering of the potential information that will impact in knowing the potential employment opportunities. The discussion questions of the interview were outlined to cut across the understanding of the Java technology, academic qualification of the have developer, the potential understanding of the underlying employment opportunities and the available organizations that stand to provide the positions to such opportunities. The third session of the process was defined with the conducting of the interview that involved the direct conversations with the respective managers. A questionnaire was also administered to make sure that more information is gathered, and the missed question is captured in one or the other during the interaction process. The fourth session of the iteration was just the compilation and analysis stage that defined the retrieval of the understanding that regarded the intentions and goals of the meetings. The iteration planned activities were undertaken to each and every selected department within the organization to have the balancing and collection of relevant information.
The division iteration was outlined with conducting of meetings with the selected departments. The project concern is the employment opportunities for Java developer in information technology. Therefore, the researcher opts the selection of three potential departments of telecommunication department, the human resource department, and the information technology department. Also, the interview was done specifically to the department heads based on the fact that they are much informed with the respective company operations, leadership, and management (Leech, n.d).
Action with the Telecommunication Manager
The implementation of the iteration began at the telecommunication department. Telecommunication section is known for defining the communication and the systems of the organization in connection with the information technology. Advanced organizations and business are known for having two separate divisions the telecommunication section and the information technology section.  The researcher began with an introduction to the telecommunication manager with the seeking of time to have the one to one meeting. T was the initial activity of the researcher to account for it and make the requisition in respect to the letter send. Upon the granting of permission, the researcher, and the manager developed the plan on how the interaction was to take place. The meeting took one week time at distributed times within the week.
The discussion began in the initial session with the appreciation of the Java technology and discussing the relevance of the Java technology in the company and other organizations. This stood to provide the understanding.
It was followed by the mention of the different opportunities that are available in the field of Java technology and narrowing down to the Java developer. The discussion was seen as the climax of the meeting. The opportunity availability demanded the mentioning and discussed of the academic qualifications that the Java developer must be in possession. Having outlined the opportunities, the question was who does provide the opportunities and therefore, the final session provided the mentioning of the organization those are highly potential of providing the opportunities. A questionnaire was after that administered and collected two days later.
Action with the Human Resource Manager
The conducting of a meeting was set to the human resource manager as the second executive individual. Human resource department is known for recruiting employees within an organization. The human resource personnel, therefore, must have a good understanding of the jobs they employ people and how they get to recruit the staff. The meeting was more than providing the information regarding employment opportunities but going an extra mile to outline the requirements ad conduct that makes a person get selected for the given role.
The researcher began with the introduction of the human resource personnel followed with the seeking of permission to conduct the meeting. The permission did outline the seeking for more information that will regard employee recruitment. The researcher then went ahead of developing the directives of how to undertake the interview with the human resource. It was essential to make sure that all required information is captured from the human resource which was a requirement as well.
 The initial task during the interviewing session was the provision of the understanding about the Java technology so as to understand well what they will be discussing. It was followed with the mentioning of the Java technology relevance to the human resource section and how it has impacted the operations. The discussion provided the direction on getting the potential understanding of the roles of the Java developer so as to know the employment opportunities that are underlying based on the functions of the Java developer. The discussion regarding employment opportunities for Java developer was well approached through the listing of roles and outlining the possible employment opportunity.
The process extends to defining the principles that govern employee recruitment, and the manager did mention on how to win the interviewing panel for a job opportunity. The meeting was finalized with the definition of the potential organizations that could deliver the job position to some of the mentioned employment opportunities for Java developer candidate. Once more a questionnaire was administered and collected after two days as the session was scheduled to take place for one week time.
Action with the Information Technology Manager
The information technology manager was the most determining person as the functions of the executive representative describes and gives an overview of what it means by being a Java developer. The meeting with the IT manager marked the end of division iteration. Information technology department is well known for distinctive functions that must get accomplished to see the proper undertaking of operations for the success of the organization. The departments highly require a specialist in developing applications for the company and providing support to how the company should undertake the activities. Therefore, the meeting will have a great impact on the required understanding.
The researcher did visit the IT department with confidence as it describes where it belongs. The initial activity was the introduction to the It Manager and accounting on the reasons that have got to make the visit. The researcher did also present the request of having conversations with the manager to obtain the necessary information about the employment opportunities for Java developer. The researcher and manager established a schedule and program for the meetings to make sure all information is captured.
The initial activity during the meeting was the discussion regarding the Java technology and at this point narrowing down to Java developer as a career. The discussion was extended to defining the impacts of Java technology in the information technology and how it has been taken to make use of the technology. The discussion paved the way to defining the roles of the Java developer after which the roles were related to the potential employment opportunities which may adopt different names but referring to the same role. The employment opportunities discussion, in this case, stood to provide the understanding of knowing where to get the opportunities. The IT manager did also hesitate to mention of the potential organizations that are in demand for Java developers. The session was finalized with the administration of the questionnaire. However, the questionnaire for the IT manager was a little different just to make sure additional information is captured for the benefit of the researcher.
The company selected for undertaking research had a well-defined framework that relied much on the information technology. The departmental heads were all appreciative and welcomed ad supportive towards achieving the career as intended by the researcher. They got dedicated to providing the relevant information that regarded the definition of employment opportunities for Java developer.
Observation with the Telecommunication Manager
The meeting with the Telecommunication manager was successful with the identification of how influential computing is impacting the section. The section is defined as the communications and management of other systems within the organizations, and there was the link to the information technology. The system required applications that run over eh global network, and hence the manager made mention of the need for the Java developer in the section. The employment opportunities were outlined with different names such as the backend engineer, mobile developer, informatics officer, system developer, full stack developer, and principal DevOps engineer. The description of the positions referred to a Java developer as outlined by the manager.
Observation with the Human Resource Manager
The human resource manager was substantive and did provide the details on how to present before the interviewing panel. The manager also provided a good description of how to write a CV by outlining the major information that is always searched. During the discussions, it was noticed that the human resource got an emphasis on the job description but not the job title as the names do differ but the descriptions are the same. The manager mentioned that every organization would require at least 5 Java developers since the technology is simple and efficient in the application.
Observation with the Information Technology Manager
The meeting with the information manager opened the mind on what it means by the Java employment opportunities. During the discussions, the manager did emphasize that Java developer jobs are mentioned regarding application development. Anything to do with online management is likely to require a developer to provide the technical support and management. It was mentioned in each section especially the IT section requiring Java developers to provide the function of developing applications for the organizations. Java developers are required in areas such as the e-commerce, social gaming sage pay, communication companies, for big data, analytics, database, algorithmic trading and others.
Career development is defined as the understanding of the specific roles that lies under the career. In the implementation of the division iteration to draw the understanding of the different employment opportunities for Java developer, the process of conducting the meeting was well defined. The activities were undertaken in a substantive and sequential manner so as to have the development of the knowledge that positively impacts to understanding what is supposed to do by the respective Java developer. There was the initial defining of the meeting objective which cut across all the departments visited and this provided a substantive collective of data that is consistent.
The meeting was productive such that every manager presented different opinions that opened up the mind of the researcher to have an understanding of what to search fro when it comes to job searching. The respective division representatives described the impact hat Java technology gives to the respective division, and this ended providing light regarding the roles that a Java developer is outlined with as far as the career is concerned. The other identified success with the one to one meeting was the added information that regarded interviews and the simplification provided by the IT manager to ensure that the researcher realizes its value within the market.
The division iteration was less challenged such that there was defined a plan that provided direction on how the operations were to take place in every department. Since the information gathered was a representation of the entire data. An analysis in combination with the brainstormed data stood to provide the relevant and reliable information regarding the employment opportunities for Java developer.
Reflective statement
The world technology has been changing since the introduction of the internet and realization of interworking. Businesses have been applying different applications that are only functional via designated network. The technology growth resulted to different ideas that lead to the realization of the Java technology. The technology has been applied and is amongst the top applied technique as far as software engineering concerned. The project was implemented based on the action research methodology that involved the activities of the research in two distinctive iterations of brainstorming and division that defines one to one meetings.
The initial iteration provided a mode of thinking and presented personal opinions regarding the different employment opportunities for the Java developer. As much as it is said that software engineering is marketable, it is essential to understand how to get to the markets. The brainstorming session provided the researcher with the knowledge in the power of social engineering. The brainstorming provides and has been associated with many innovations and inventions regarding different areas of interest.
The project was extended to the second and final iteration of one to one meetings that involved the selected department of the chosen organization. The concern was in IT, and it was identified that employment opportunities for Java developer are readily available only that the candidate has to have the understanding of the role that is played by a Java developer. Java Developer job is defined with different names when it comes to the description by the fact is that they always refer to the same thing. Therefore, the project did provide a good and substantive understanding of Java technology and the different opportunities for Java developer candidate.

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Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in nursing writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for non plagiarized essay for sale.

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