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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

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Monday, November 26, 2018

Database Table spaces

Database Tablespaces
            A database refers to a systematic collection of data files together with the programs and commands that manipulate the data files. An Oracle database stores two types of information which are the user data and system data. User data is relevant and important to a certain computer application while the system data is the data that the database requires for self-management. A database is, therefore, made up of the components such as database files, control files; redo logs, extents, segments, and Tablespaces.

            A tablespace is a logical group and storage of data files while in the database. A typical database contains, at least, a tablespace, but it usually has two or more tablespaces. The tablespace resides inside and plays a role as a computer’s hard drive folder. Each of the logical tablespaces in the database corresponds to one r several physical database files. It is worth to note that there is a close relationship between databases, tablespaces, and data files. However, they have significant differences. An Oracle database contains the following typical tablespace (Rabl, Pfeffer, & Kosch, 2008):
·         SYSTEM: Stores all the information required for self-management
·         TEMP: Storage of all temporary files
·         TOOLS: Storage of database objects required to support various tools
·         USER: Stores information about the users
·         DATA & INDEX: Stores the actual data together with the indexes
·         ROLLBACK: Stores all the information required for undo

Bigfile Tablespace
            Oracle Database lets the user create bigfile tablespaces thereby allowing the Oracle database to hold tablespaces consisting of single large files instead of several smaller files. The Oracle database is then able to utilize the ability of 64-bit systems thereby managing and creating ultra large files. This results into the Oracle Database being able to scale up 8 exabytes in size. With files being managed by Oracle, bigfile tablespace makes data files appear completely transparent to the users. This simply means that a user can perform operations on tablespace instead of underlying the data file. Therefore, bigfile tablespaces make the tablespace the major unit of the administration of the disk space, recovery, and backup among others. They also help in simplifying the management of data file with Oracle-managed Files and Automatic Storage Management through the elimination of the need for adding new data files and dealing with several files (Kurtz, 2012).
Smallfile Tablespace
            A smallfile tablespace is an old or the traditional Oracle tablespace that has the capability of holding 1022 datafiles or tempfiles. Furthermore, each of the 1022 datafiles or tempfiles has the capability to hold approximately 4 million (222) blocks. A smallfile tablespace is made up of four pieces format like OOOOOOFFFBBBBBBRRRR where (Boszormenyi & Schonig, 2013):
·         OOOOOO represents the data object of the whole segment
·         FFF represents the tablespace-relative to the datafile number in which the datafile row is contained
·         BBBBBB is the data block in which the row is contained
·         RRR is the slot number that helps to identify the row inside a certain block
A smallfile tablespace provides the database user with a layer that helps in abstraction between the physical data and logical data. Its main function is allocating storage for all the segments managed by the DBMS (Lujan-Mora & Trujillo, 2006).
Comparison between Bigfile and Smallfile Tablespaces
            Bigfile tablespace has a datafile transparency while smallfile tablespace does not have the feature. Therefore, bigfile tablespace helps to simplify the management of the database by providing the transparency required for the datafile. Furthermore, bigfile tablespace requires a reduced number of the datafiles while it is exact opposite with the smallfile tablespace in that they require a lot of datafiles. Therefore, bigfile tablespaces help in simplification of the management of datafiles in large databases. The parameters are also adjustable thereby reducing the SGA space that datafile information and control file size require (Wrembel, 2009).
            Smallfile tablespace can contain 1024 files only. Bigfile tablespaces can contain one datafile that is 1024 times larger than smallfile tablespace. Therefore, bigfile tablespace leads to significant increase in the storage capacity of the Oracle database. Smallfile and bigfile tablespace have similar total tablespace capacity. However, each database is limited to 64K and because a database can contain 1024 times more bigfile tablespaces than the smallfile tablespaces, leads the bigfile tablespaces increasing the total capacity of the database by a magnitude of order 3. In my database, I would use bigfile tablespace because of the transparency, large storage space, and simple database management as explained above (Rubio & John, 2005).
            This paper has discussed the tip of the iceberg of the bigfile and smallfile tablespaces and tablespaces in general. There is more specific information about the topics that underlie tablespace in general. Therefore, there is a dire need to unearth more information about tablespaces and everything about it. Having information about the phenomena will enable the database admin to make the correct choice while selecting the table space that is suitable for their database.
Boszormenyi, Z., & Schonig, H.-J. (2013). PostgreSQL replication: Understand basic        replication concepts and efficiency replicate interruptions. Birmingham: Packt             Publishing.
Kurtz, D. (2012). PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA. Berkeley, CA: Springer.
Lujan-Mora, S., & Trujillo, J. (2006). Physical modelling of data warehouse using UML    component and deployment diagrams: Design and implementation issues. Journal of           Database Management, 17 (2), 12-42.
Rabl, T., Pfeffer, M., & Kosch, H. (2008). Dynamic allocation in a self-scaling cluster database.   Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 20 (17), 2025-2038.
Rubio, J., & John, L. K. (2005). Reducing server data traffic using a hierarchical computation       model. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 16 (10), 933-943.
Wrembel, R. (2009). A survey of managing the evolution of data warehouse. International            Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 5 (2), 24-56.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in customized term papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order for research paper custom.

Protagoras, Aristotle, and Epicurus

Protagoras is regarded as one of the greatest of the Sophists of ancient Greece. He lived between 485-415 BCE and was the first to promote the philosophy of Subjectivism. He is often referred to as the father of Relativism and Agnosticism.  He argued that the interpretation of reality was relative to the individual. He taught his view through his position as a rhetoric, politics, and logic teacher known as Sophist.  He served as a private tutor to young men of the upper classes. Sophists taught people the how to speak well and the finer points of culture.   As Athens, was extremely litigious, the skill of public speaking was highly valued for use in the courtroom. A lot of Protagoras' teachings are derived from Plato's dialogues.  Protagoras' Relativism is the idea that there is no ultimate, objective truth.  Philosophers like Plato believed in an objective standard of truth and were, therefore, at great odds with the beliefs of Protagoras. Protagoras may never have claimed `truth' did not exist rather merely that there is no single way of objectively defining what the truth might be (Witt, 1954)

Aristotle is a significant figure in ancient Greek philosophy that made contributions to metaphysics, logic, mathematics, biology, physics, botany, ethics, agriculture, politics, medicine, theatre and dance. He lived between 384-322 BCE. Aristotle was Plato’s student who in turn studied under Socrates. He is known for rejecting Plato's theory of forms. Aristotle authored a philosophical and scientific system that became the basis for medieval Islamic philosophy and Christian Scholasticism. He founded formal logic that was regarded as the sum of the discipline.  His writings in political theory and ethics as well as in metaphysics continue to be studied until today.  Aristotle's Metaphysics is based on the concept of substance which is a result of matter and form. He sought to know what determined the characteristics of something, what makes something to be what it is or to change in the way that it does. Matter and form demonstrate a basic duality in every existence. Aristotle was concerned with the material world which lived in. He focused on the nature of things as well as their substance. Aristotelian concepts remained entrenched in western thinking even after the intellectual revolutions of the Reformation, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment (Schiappa, 2013).
Epicurus was a major philosopher in the Hellenistic period.  He lived between 341–270 B.C. He came up with an unsparingly materialistic empiricist epistemology, metaphysics and hedonistic ethics. His philosophy helped lay the intellectual foundations for secular individualism and modern science. He taught that the basic components of the world were atoms flying through empty space.  He rejected the concept of an immaterial soul and platonic forms. Epicurus also thought that human could gain knowledge of the world by relying on their senses and that skepticism was untenable. He believed that the goal of one's actions was to achieve pleasure for oneself. Obtaining pleasure could be done by expelling the fear of the gods and death and restraining one's desires. Epicurus' teaching of freedom from fear was popular and flourished for centuries after his death.  His philosophy integrates physics with a rational hedonistic ethics that accentuates cultivation of friendships and moderation of desires. His optimistic world-view, science-friendly world-view and practical give insights into human psychology. Many perspectives of his thoughts are still highly relevant after they were first taught in his school in Athens, named “the Garden.” (Hughes, 2001)

Works cited
Witt, Norman Wentworth. Epicurus and his Philosophy. U of Minnesota Press, 1954.
Schiappa, Edward. Protagoras and Logos: a study in Greek philosophy and rhetoric. Univ of South Carolina Press, 2013.
Hughes, Gerard J. Routledge philosophy of Aristotle on Ethics. Psychology Press, 2001.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in customized term papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order for research paper custom.

Contrasting Masculinities

Masculinity (also known as manliness or manhood) refers to a set of characteristics, attributes and behaviors associated with males (Uchendu & Codesria Gender Institute, 2008). The difference in masculinities between males can be socially or biologically assigned. In this paper, I will discuss the masculine attributes of two men I know in two different contexts: urban and rural settings. 

Masculine traits of Moris, a 30-35 active man I met in a rural setting some days ago included large hands with rough palms. His muscles protruded, and skin was hairy, and veins bulged out of the skin. His skin of the feet also appeared hard, and his whole body was almost dark. That contrasted the masculine traits of Mike, a man of almost the same age as Moris and whom I met in the city of Mexico. He was brought up in the town and after college had started a shoe shop where he spent most of the day’s time. Mike was a little huge than Moris though this could be attributed to the fatty body he had. His skin was a bit whiter but compared to Moris, who had a flat stomach; his was bulging. His hands were soft and muscles womanly. Though both are men, judging by their physical appearances, Moris appeared more masculine
According to Uchendu and Codesria Gender Institute (2008), masculine traits vary by location and context, and these differences are influenced by social and cultural factors. The male characteristics of Moris could have been influenced by the heavy work done by men in rural areas including hunting, farming and carrying heavy luggage from place to place. More so, some people in rural areas heed by these cultural norms that beckon men to be courageous and tough, in addition to pursuing hard responsibilities. Conversely, the urban settings leave many of these men with few hard pursuances. White collar jobs leave them seated for most of their day time which may explain the difference in masculinities between them and their rural counterparts (Uchendu & Codesria Gender Institute, 2008).
Uchendu, E. & Codesria Gender Institute. (2008). Masculinities in Contemporary Africa. Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in customized term papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order for research paper custom.


Bottleneck gets considered as a critical challenge in manufacturing industries that should get addressed so as to increase productivity. It is thus essential for manufacturing industries to use bottlenecks detection method to maintain a better production rate. This paper comprehensively explores the challenge of a bottleneck in manufacturing industries, the available bottleneck detection methods and the benefits observed in the use of the methods. The paper also makes recommendations for the use of bottleneck detection methods.

Literature Review
Bottleneck gets considered as a critical challenge in manufacturing industries that should get addressed so as to increase productivity. The bottleneck is a primary factor that may result in decreased company productivity. Various scholars have defined bottleneck using different definitions as outlined below. A bottleneck is a resource in which demand temporarily exceeds capacity. It also gets defined as a resource with more demand request compared to the available capacity. It also gets viewed as a resource in which there is a maximum work-in-process (WIP) inventory waiting in the queue. It also gets seen as a resource for maximum long-run utilization. It also gets defined as a resource with the smallest isolated production rate among those in the system. It also gets defined as the resource that comprises of the minimum combined total time spent in inactive states. It also refers to the resource that runs out of capacity first hence limiting the system throughput. It also refers to the resource that strongly impedes the performance of a system. Some of the definitions above do not explain the relationship between the meaning and the implicit reason the resource gets referred to as a bottleneck. Others describe the relationship between the total performance and the changes in the specified bottleneck resource (Betterton & Silver, 2012). According to Betterton & Silver (2012), the bottleneck gets defined as the resource with the strongest impact on the performance of a system. Simply it is the resource with the largest influence on a system performance due to a given differential increment of change.
According to Li, Chang, Ni, Xiao & Biller (2007), the existing work in bottleneck detection gets categorized into two parts namely analytical methods and the simulation-based methods. There is a restriction of most of the bottleneck studies using the analytical approaches to long-term steady state bottleneck detection due to their statistical and probability distribution assumptions for machine performance. The simulation-based methods get characterized by various drawbacks such as system specific knowledge, long development time, relatively low flexibility to layout changes and the potential misinterpretations of the simulation results. The use of real-time data analysis offers sustainable benefits or opportunities that do not get sometimes recognized during the long-term analysis. It is thus critical to make real-time decisions based on bottleneck identification and mitigation in all practical solutions.
Bottleneck detection methods
There are eight methodologies applied in detecting bottlenecks as described below;
a)      Utilization Method: Also known as the effective process time methodology. Utilization of a resource refers to the long-term fraction of time in which the resource does not idle due to lack of work. It is the ratio of the rate in which items arrive to get processed to the efficient production rate. The effective production rate is the average maximum rate in which the resource works while putting into consideration the impact of downtime on all resources. 
b)      Active period method: It measures the duration of the periods that a station stays active without interruption and also makes the calculation of the average active time for each station. The machine that records the longest average active period gets viewed as the bottleneck.
c)      Inactive period method: In this method, the station in which the minimum combined total time spent in inactive states gets viewed as the bottleneck.
d)     Arrow method: Its name gets derived from the practice of drawing arrows pointing left or right indicating the stations that have a higher blocking and starving as compared to adjacent stations.
e)      Turning point method: The turning point refers to the station in which the trend of blockage and starvation moves from a higher blockage than starvation to greater starvation than blockage. The sum of the total blockage and starvation time of a turning point station is smaller than that of its two neighboring stations. Simply meaning the turning point has a higher percentage of operating time plus downtime than its adjacent stations.
f)       Average Waiting Time Method: In this method the bottleneck gets viewed as the station where work waits longest as measured by the average time a job spends in the queue.
g)      Longest waiting time method: The bottleneck in this method gets viewed as the station where work waits longest as measured by the maximum time a job spends in a queue.
h)      Longest Queue method: The bottleneck in this method refers to the station having the greatest number of waiting for jobs in queue for the largest proportion of the entire line processing period.
i)        Overall Throughput Effectiveness (OTE) method: This method incorporates all forms of station delay and downtime as well as cumulative yield loss, and the bottleneck gets viewed as the station having the smallest Overall Throughput Effectiveness.
Advantages of using bottleneck detection methods
An effective bottleneck detection method allows for fast and correct identification of the bottleneck locations. This aspect can result in an increase in the system throughput, an improvement in the operation management of utilizing finite manufacturing resources, and reducing the total cost of production (Li, Chang, Xiao, & Biller, 2007). The discrete event simulation may get used in understanding complex layouts as well as dynamic performance.
Bottleneck detection methods play a significant role in ensuring high productivity in manufacturing companies. It is the responsibility of the individual organization to determine the suitable bottleneck detection method that adequately suits their company goals.
The bottleneck control efforts get based on the recent system performance; hence further studies should get undertaken on the effect of the recent changes in the system’s future performance to enable forecasting of new bottleneck locations. Further work is required to characterize the serial lines where bottleneck detection fails, or in circumstances where detection methods do not locate multiple bottlenecks.

Betterton, C. E., & Silver, S. J. (2012). Detecting bottlenecks in serial production lines–a focus on inter-departure time variance. International Journal of Production Research, 50(15), 4158-4174.
Li, L., Chang, Q., Ni, J., & Biller, S. (2009). Real-time production improvement through bottleneck control. International Journal of Production Research, 47(21), 6145-6158.
Li, L., Chang, Q., Ni, J., Xiao, G., & Biller, S. (2007, July). Bottleneck detection of manufacturing systems using the data-driven method. In Assembly and Manufacturing, 2007. ISAM'07. IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 76-81). IEEE.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in customized term papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order for research paper custom.

RR Communications Case Study

List the advantages of a single customer service center for RR Communications.
The single customer service center minimizes expenses spent on various operations within the organizations. The expenses spent on maintaining the number of employees in single customer center is low compared to distributed customer service center.  The cost of purchasing hardware and software components is low since a single customer operation unit is served by relatively fewer hardware and software components (Law, & Ngai, 2007).

The single customer service point facilitates easier auditing of the employees and the service points in general. The entire system services and operations can easily be monitored, verified and validated so as to ensure quality and better service delivered to the customers. The auditing ensures a high level of performance to the clients and the entire organization. The employees can get monitored for the quality service delivery and effective implementation of tasks, operations, and duties.
The single customer service center facilitates easier standardization of services. The common place of service delivery can lead to the easier improvement of services. The entire clients acquire equal services and standardized services delivered to them. The single customer service center can easily implement the Total Quality Management (TQM). The Total Quality Management is implemented in all operations to ensure that the customers have better services, and the overall operations of the organization are excellently performed.
The single customer service center promotes better customer relations through the implementation of the social aspects that improves the customer relations. The employees have an easier time to understand the needs and the requirements of customers and attend to their needs. The taste and preference of different customers can get implemented through interacting directly with the customer at a single point. The demands and supply issues can get addressed with ease and in a short duration of time (Wang, & Wang, 2010).
The communication systems acquire a centralized origin of input data through implementing the single customer service center. The data and information generated in the single customer service center have low level of encountering errors and encountering problems due to replication and redundancy cases. The redundant data and information are eliminated through the single customer service center.
The single customer service center provides a better process of encountering with troubleshooting and diagnosing of the computer systems. The entire single customer service center systems provide direct positions and easier chances of locating areas with problems. The addressing of the IT problems is easy and consolidated to single area thus making the maintenance of the systems easier and manageable.
Devise an implementation strategy that would guarantee the support of the divisional presidents for the shared customer service center.
The first strategy shall require the organization to involve all the members of the organization while making the goals and visions of the organization. The Divisional presidents should engage the entire team by collecting their ideas and views depending on what the team desire to implement (Law, & Ngai, 2007). The division presidents should involve the organization in carrying out the major decisions within the organizations by considering their views.
The divisional presidents should organize some brainstorming events like seminars, workshops, training and gatherings to facilitate social relationships among the employee. The brainstorming events allow the sharing of ideas and discussing some principles and the matters affecting the organization to facilitate the organization employees to work together for common goals (Wang, & Wang, 2010). The sessions also facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and information about dealing with difficult situations encountered within the organizations.
The divisional presidents should organize for social and gathering events that facilitate the employees to interact in different platforms like sports. Divisional presidents should facilitate outings and adventure sessions for the employees to experience the out of work environments. The occasions eliminate monotony and allow the employees to understand each other better.
Is it possible to achieve an enterprise vision with a decentralized IT function?
The decentralized IT functions cause the goals, objectives and the aims of the organization encounter communication barriers due to lack of definite order of disseminating information. Similarly, the organization fails to eliminate the barriers of communication among the employees and the senior administrators completely. The entire system gets faced with the problems of defining the strategies since all the decentralized platforms implement their strategies. The decentralized information technology systems reduce the degree of decision making due to the existence of several decision makers within the organizations (Law, & Ngai, 2007). The power and authority of the higher officials are highly compromised by the lower level management thus degrading the powers of the highest management officials.

What business and IT problems can be caused by lack of common information and enterprise IM strategy?
Business Problems
The organization fails to establish better formal links of communications leading to the loss of focus to main goals, objectives, and visions. The operations implemented by the organizations take long to implement due to longer processes and difficulties in monitoring. The strategies laid down by the organization become difficult to implement due to lack of established feedback effects from the employees who have the particular responsibility (Stephenson, & Sage, 2007). The accountability, responsibility, and transparency among the employees become neglected and rejected. The plans and projects of the business fail to complete due to lack of coordination among the divisions and the divisions. Greater barriers exist between the project implementing team and the divisions facilitating the resources to support the implementation o f the project.
The Information Technology Problems
The system organization encounters persistent data and information problems due to the numerous input and output systems. The organization experiences data and information inconsistency as well as the increased problems between the clients and the reports. The systems are characterized by inaccurate records which may encounter unresponsive and quick solution due to weak control (Jukic, et al…, 2009). The various divisions and the individual employees lack access to formal information leading to a lack of better IT practices among the employees. The ethical issues and best practices in IT fail to be enforced among the employees. The principles and policies of the organization that governs the employees and the IT resources lack to be enforced within the organization. The IT support team encounters difficult situations in trying to compact the situations and problems affecting organization due to a high level of self-control and individualism among the divisions.
What governance mechanisms need to be put in place to ensure common customer data and a shared customer service center?  What metrics might be useful?
Governance Mechanisms
The organization should ensure that the business sector and the information technology sector have a mutual relationship through establishing a partnership. The entire fellowship of the business entity and the Information technology should be enforced through policies, rules, and regulations (Law, & Ngai, 2007). The organizations should employ the division of labor and specialization strategies to assign duties and responsibilities to particular individuals. The practice can enforce responsibility, accountability, and the transparency. The organization should induce the methods of following the responsible employees who have the responsibility for implementing a particular change to the data and information (Ahadi, 2004). This should be done by implementing user accounts and the auditing trails within the database and the application systems. The entry of data and information within the system should be accurate without errors. The organization should enforce the use of strong methodologies that enforce data and information, confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility among the organization divisions.
The Metrics that can be enforced
The organization should induce the time-based service delivery to the clients. The organization should induce mechanism that tracks time for the start of the service and the end of the service. The system should allow the users to state the levels of satisfaction to facilitate better service delivery to the customers. The organization should apply the Total Quality Management strategies through the use of the auditing methods to assess the performance of the organization. The data inputs and data sources should have mechanisms for forecasting the accuracy of data and information entering in the systems.
Ahadi, H. R. (2004). An Examination of the Role of Organizational Enablers in Business Process
Reengineering and the Impact of Information Technology.Information Resources
Management Journal, 17, 4, 1-19.
Jukic, B., Jukic, N., & Velasco, M. (2009). Enterprise Information Systems Change, Adaptation
and Adoption: A Qualitative Study and Conceptualization Framework. Information
Resources Management Journal, 22, 1, 63-87.
Law, C. C. H., & Ngai, E. W. T. (2007). IT Infrastructure Capabilities and Business Process
Improvements: Association with IT Governance Characteristics.Information Resources
Management Journal, 20, 4, 25-47.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in customized term papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order for research paper custom.