Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Patient-Doctor Relationship in the 21st Century
            The article addresses the new phenomenon called the cyberchondria. It is a situation whereby an individual who lacks any medical background uses the Internet information to diagnoses himself or herself by looking at symptoms among other conditions online. 

As a result, the individual may determine his or her situation to be much worse than it is the case. The solution that the author proposes to this problem is to educate patients about the dangers of using online information or determining any changes that a doctor can make. Cyberchondria is a term derived from hypochondria which is a belief that one has a far-reaching and dangerous disease despite the lack of any medical information.
 The author of the article uses simple to understand terms in stating his arguments. First, he figures out an interesting way of stating his thesis statement. He mentions about the historical past of how people could inquire information concerning medical problems. However, with the advent of the internet things have changed, and about 80% of Americans are using the Internet to search for health-related information. He well articulates how this new trend has caused the new cyberchondria phenomenon. Thus, this is an experienced writer who knows how to craft his thesis statement wisely and creatively. He goes on to support this thesis statement by defining his new term and its origin from the phrase Hypochondria.
The third paragraph supports his claim that with many patients self-diagnosing themselves. It impacts on the doctor -patient relationship. The dangers for this are spending too much time debating, and that patient fails to use credible sources. Also, others use out of date information. Thu, he warns the doctors on the step to ensure that they effectively educate patients and that using the internet does not replace the medical treatment that the physician gives or consultation.
 Patient-Doctor Relationship in the 21st Century

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in best custom research papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order for custom college essay services.

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