Friday, December 21, 2018


            In this essay, the center will be on some three concepts that are significantly important to all studies of critical reasoning. The three concepts are:
        i.            Arguments
      ii.            Premises
    iii.            Conclusions
Most of the primary topics in this course are heavily forms of arguments and much of what has been learned concerns ways of recognizing various kinds of arguments in real life. Additionally, it concerns ways in which one can easily determine whether an argument is good or whether it is not-so-good and finally ways strengthening weak arguments.
In the article “Meet Chewie, the biggest Australopithecus on record”, Fidelis Masao and her colleagues have been reported to claim that from the relative size of a set of 4 million-year-old footprints, they can easily determine some facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints.

From the relative size of a set of 4 million-year-old footprints, they can easily determine some facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints.
If the footprints are 4 million-year-old, then we can determine facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints. Therefore we will determine facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints because they are 4 million-year-old.
We can determine the facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints
“We can determine the facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints” follows the word “therefore” and it can be said to the conclusion. Therefore, the conclusion is “We can determine the facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints.”
We are remaining with discovering the premises. However, the word “because” helps to make things clearer from the above argument.
The conclusion has shown well in the above argument which in this case is at the beginning. In this argument, something known as the standard form will be used whereby all the premises will be listed, draw a line and write down the conclusion below the line. The two arguments above have the similar standard form:
1.      If the footprints are 4 million-year-old, we can determine facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints (Premise 1)
2.      The footprints are 4 million-year-old (Premise 2)

3.      We can determine facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints (Conclusion)
    Fidelis Masao and her colleagues might have made a mistake in this conclusion. This is because there are many Australopithecus which were there during that time. The premise which seems mistaken is “If the footprints are 4 million-year-old we can determine facts about the social structure of the individuals who made the footprints” where it might be difficult determining the social structure of the Australopithecus. The researchers need to have done more research before they come up with their conclusion. More research would have probably changed ways in which they concluded.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in nursing essay help USA if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom college papers.


1.    Inferential statistics refers to statistical techniques that make it possible to draw tentative conclusions (that is, makes inferences or predictions) about a population based on observations of a sample (Asadoorian & Kantarelis, 2005). The statistical techniques utilize probabilistic methods to analyze sample information from a given population so as to enhance our knowledge about the population.

Researchers use inferential statistics to draw conclusions or make predictions from sample data by using the measurements from the sample so as to reach a conclusion about a bigger, unmeasured population.
2. Probability is the possibility/fraction/chance/proportion that any specific outcome of an event will occur (Cozby & Bates, 2015).
Statistical significance relates to probability since it assists in determining the factors associated with the likelihood of occurrence of an event. If the probability is high, the statistical significance indicates if it took place due to any other factors or because that is just the way it happened.
3. In this study, the null hypothesis is the experimental group (that is yoga and medication), while the research hypothesis is the control group (that is, the support group and medication).
4. The most appropriate statistical test for the study would be chi-square since it would make a comparison of the observed data with the data expected according to the hypothesis. The role of probability in the research would be to determine whether the researcher’s hypothesis is correct based on the data collected.
5. True. A two-tailed test of significance is the most appropriate to use in this case since the investigator is checking for the possibility of the relationship in both directions.
6. The relationship between alpha level (or significance level) and Type I error is that there is a probability of making an error depends on the level that is set.  When doing a study, investigators choose the significant level (usually 0.005) depending on the consequences of making a Type I error.
Type II error is when the null hypothesis is accepted as true when in fact it is incorrect (that is the research hypothesis is correct).
The difference between Type I error and Type II error are that with Type I error the researcher makes a mistake of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is, in fact, true, whereas Type II error is when the researcher accepts the null hypothesis when it is, in fact, incorrect.
7. In the study the researcher is conducting a study with two independent variables, each comprising of two levels: Men and Female participants and high and low sugar diets (levels). The level of energy score is the dependent variable. Therefore, the researcher could use inferential statistics to evaluate the data. Inferential statistics are used by researchers to make inferences about the true difference in a population using outcomes of the sample data.
The most appropriate statistical test to use is the Chi-square since it distinguishes whether two or more observations on different populations depend on one another.
The criterion used is shown below.
H1: A relationship exists between sugar levels and sex levels
H0: A relationship does not exist between sugar levels and sex levels
According to the scatter plot, the relationship between viewing time in seconds and the preference rating is linear, that is the viewing time increases with increasing aesthetic preference. It is very accurate to state that the longer the viewing times then, the greater the preference for paintings.

Asadoorian, M. O., & Kantarelis, D. (2005): Essentials of inferential statistics. University Press of America.
Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. (2015): Methods in behavioral research. McGraw-Hill.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in nursing essay help USA if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom college papers.

Comprehension of the Prevailing American Obesity Epidemic

The Obesity Catastrophe
Comprehension of the Prevailing American Obesity Epidemic
The Issue
The number of Americans who are diabetic keeps on increasing with the centers for disease control asserting there more than two-thirds of an American adult is overweight or obese, with the greatest proportion of this number being obese. Overall, obesity is the second preventable cause of death in America after tobacco.

The overall issue is that the obesity epidemic in the US keeps on worsening, with the latest reports indicating that almost 40% of the US women are obese, while the American teenagers are continuing to add weight (Cawley, 2012).  According to the reports from centers for disease control as well as prevention, efforts that are directed at encouraging Americans to lose weight and stop adding more weight have very little impact. From the general assessment, 38% of the US adults are obese, with 17% of the teenagers also being obese.
According to the research done in assessing the obesity situation, out of the 181 million Americans between the ages of 20 and 65, 122 of this population encompass a combined 6.5 billion pounds overweight. In the maintenance of these extra pounds the assertion is that it is imperative that one consumes an additional 23 trillion extra calories annually (Imes & Burke, 2014). The current issue is that the challenges posed by weight are no longer a private business with the CDC in the year 2000 finding that the direct cost of obesity along with the lack of physical exercise to be $117 billion. The extra pounds exert a major role in the emergence of numerous problems faced by the US, with prominent ones being the escalation of healthcare costs, stagnant wages, diminishing resources for education as well as the inability to stay competitive globally. 
The assessment of the nationwide situation is that approximately two out of three US adults are obese or overweight and that while the obesity rates in the country have stayed steady, they have been rising in other groups, with an issue of disparities being evident. It follows that the Hispanic, non-Hispanic black as well as the Mexican American adults exhibiting higher obesity rates compared to the Hispanic-white adults.
The more alarming attribute encompasses the fact that the prevalence of overweight, as well as obesity in children moreover adolescents, is on the rise, with the youth becoming obese and overweight in their earlier ages. Further, one out six children and adolescents between the ages of 2 to 19 are obese while one out of three is overweight or obese (Lifshitz, 2014). The issue of early not only on rises the likelihood of but that it also increase the likelihood of one getting heart diseases in adulthood in addition to the prevalence of weight-related risk factors for cardiovascular diseases as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.
The issue of overweight has been found to be partly responsible for the dramatic increase in the diagnoses of type 2 diabetes mellitus among the children. The assertion is significantly worrisome considering the huge burden of the complications that are associated with the disease. The US nationwide search for the prevalence of diabetes among the youth found that type diabetes was accountable for just 6% of the new diabetes cases in the non-Hispanic, white children of between the ages 10 to 19 years, while the prevalence of between 225 to 76% was found in the other ethnic groups.
Obesity Costs
Other than the case of tobacco, the overall assertion is that there is no greater harm to the collective health in the US than the obesity cases. Even globally, the issues are than health effects presented due to obesity are deep as well as vast and their impact is lasting to the communities, nation as well as the individuals across generations (Imes & Burke, 2014). The situation in the US, with an emphasis being on adults over the age of 70 is that with the decline in the use of tobacco, obesity occurrence rates are now on the rise, with the number of deaths that are resulting from obesity exceeding that of tobacco (Imes & Burke, 2014). Just as is the case with tobacco, obesity has a very close relationship with a large collection of health conditions as stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, unhealthy cholesterol, kidney stones, infertility as well other complications. There are additional social as well as emotional impacts of obesity which include discrimination, lower quality of life, lower wages as well as a possible susceptibility to depression.
The additional issue of the costs that are directly linked to obesity encompasses the further reason as to why it is imperative for strategies to address the occurrence of the condition. These costs encompass the medical costs associated with the diagnosis and the treatment of the conditions that are contributed by obesity.  Studies indicate that the costs associated with diabetes treatment compared to healthy persons are significantly higher. Obesity or overweight has been found to significantly increase the expected lifetime expenditure on medical care for most of the diseases that are associated with the condition than if the situation had been changed. The assertion, in this case, is that incidences of obesity increase the lifetime medical care costs for the diseases associated with the condition by more than 50% above the baseline (Lifshitz, 2014). The increased lifetime expenditure on healthcare has been found to chiefly be as a result of the care that is associated with diabetes and hypertension.
The additional attribute that has been considered a significant cost of obesity is on the issue of declines productivity costs. The assertion here is that other than the direct costs associated with obesity, there are several other indirect costs that are a part of the general economic effect of obesity.  Out of these issues follows the fact that the impact the condition has on productivity has been found as having the biggest role. The productivity costs that are associated with obesity are well documented in an assortment of studies, with the widespread agreement being that these costs are significant. The productivity losses have been seen to originate from the labor market regarding absenteeism which is the first order productivity costs that result from employees who are absent from due to the obesity-related health issues. Presenteeism as the additional costs encompasses the decreased productivity of the employees while at work. The other categories of productivity costs that have been associated with obesity encompass the issues of premature mortality along with the loss of quality-adjusted life years. The additional issues of higher disability rate benefits payments as well as the welfare loss in the health insurance market.
Transportation costs are the additional issue that is impacted by obesity, with the fact being that the increase in the body weight among Americans leading to a situation whereby more fuel as well as larger vehicles being needed for transporting the same number of commuters (Lifshitz & Lifshitz, 2014). The implication of this attribute is that it results from a direct cost that is in the form of greater spending on fuel in addition to the possible indirect costs that are in the model of higher greenhouse gas emissions.
The impacts associated with obesity are overweight affect the educational attainment regarding the quality as well as a quantity of schooling, representing an additional economic impact. In this assessment, the assertion is that it could become an increasingly significant issue with the rising number of obese children and adolescents.
The Causes
The overall consensus among the stakeholders in the healthcare sector is that eating too much in addition to exercising too little are the two chief causes of obesity. Although there are the assertions that genetic predispositions have a major contributing factor to the increase in obesity incidences, the fact that there has been an increasing in each generation, the prevailing fact is that the changes to the environment play a major role (Dietz, 2015).
The assertion that inactivity has become the new American normal and that it is amongst the main contributors to the obesity epidemic is additionally the prevailing causes of the condition in the country. It has been a long time since most of the Americans worked in the fields, with a huge number sitting throughout the working day, implying that there is less exercise for the ordinary American (Dietz, 2015). In the assessment of the available studies, it is only 20% of the contemporary jobs demand at least moderate physical activity in contrast to the situation in the 1960s. It is further asserted that Americans are burning 120 to 140 calories less a day than the situation was 50 years ago (Dietz, 2015). The attributes compounded with the numerous numbers of calories added a day; it becomes the perfect recipe for gaining weight.
The Solutions
The solutions to the obesity epidemic should encompass the institution of a war similar to the one that was waged against the consumption of tobacco as well as drunk driving. Plenty of reasons have been learned from the earlier solutions in the attempts to address the challenge. Overall, the assertion that has been considered necessary to the resolution of the obesity epidemic is that there should be an overall shift in our cultural systems and behaviors to win the war. Emphasis on the needs of attitude changes in instituting changes when it comes to the management of the obesity challenge is core.

The realization of these interventions demands that there is the major commitment from the governments through the diverse advocacy channels as the surgeon general, special interest from the different stakeholders as was the case in the mothers against a drunken driving campaign. They additionally should facilitate the integration of the commitment from the Congress and state legislatures in the context of stepping into the long believed people’s business and institute rules and regulation to promote the management of health care.  In this case, there are numerous areas that the Congress and the legislature can target, with some of the best channels being imposing heavy taxes on cigarettes and alcohol. There could additionally be the banning of any vending machines in schools as they have been a setback in the addressing of the obesity challenges due to their constant supply of high fat and sugar products to the school children.
Other groups that have been requesting that the legislative organs to institute changes to the curriculum that are meant to assist in addressing the obesity challenge. In this case, the assertion is that the current curriculum is not supportive of a physical environment and thus the need to ensure that it has classes that ensure the learners take part in games that are physically demanding and provides an opportunity to burn calories.
The Implication
The general mantra that supports the intervention is the fact that obese and overweight are not going to victims of the interventions but beneficiaries. The overweight persons can be likened to the smokers who have been trying to quit for a very long, constantly failing. Considering the huge expenses that this population has been suffering and the associated health complications are adequate issues to ensure that these individuals seek the interventions. It is imperative that there is the adoption of a general effort that is aimed at ensuring these individuals get healthier.
There are several innovations that can be adopted to address the situation:
1.        There should be the development of video games for the school students to aid in the increase of their physical activities
2.        There additionally should be use of personal coaches and pedometer programs that will assist the obese and overweight individuals to adopt better strategies for losing weight
3.        There should also be the use of the different social media platform as well as mobile applications guiding on the diet as well as physical exercise to assist population to lose weight

 Cawley J, Meyerhoefer (2012). The medical care costs of obesity: an instrumental variables approach. J Health Econ.; 31:219-30.
Dietz, W. H. (2015). The response of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the obesity epidemic. Annual review of public health36, 575-596.
Imes, C. C., & Burke, L. E. (2014). The obesity epidemic: the USA as a cautionary tale for the rest of the world. Current epidemiology reports1(2), 82-88.
Lifshitz, F., & Lifshitz, J. Z. (2014). Globesity: the root causes of the obesity epidemic in the USA and now worldwide. Pediatric endocrinology reviews: PER12(1), 17-34.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in nursing essay help USA if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom college papers.


The video Generation Like sees Douglas Rushkoff follow several American teenagers in the bid of exploring the complicated relationship that exists between the young consumers and the big-name brands that are working to target them. In the video, it shows how the companies are using social media so as to sell products to teens. Based on the film, it is clear that companies tend to gather a lot of data from Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook and that is information that teenagers may not realize they are giving. 

The teens interviewed in the video claim that the social media does make them feel empowered. From the film, it is possible to see how young adults have managed to make careers from the abundance of the digital currency including retweets, likes, shares, and favorites. Companies are seen to be working towards certain ad impressions, clicks, and views so as to be profitable and to do this; they use teens who are particularly active on the web to sell their products for them.
The social media that I participate include Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. These social media provide me with a chance of connecting with other people and also share my interests. In my understanding, I consider social currency as being the resources and the abilities that are created and accessible through one’s presence in online networks and communities. Social currency can be considered as a person’s online influence and the access to influencers that is derived from their presence on the social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Through building one’s social media presence and influence, it creates the opportunity for building your social currency.
Something that drives my behavior to share, comment, retweets, post pictures, and video is so that I can be able to connect with other people. Through sharing in the social media such as Facebook, it provides me with the opportunity of allowing others to see what I like. My behavior on social media is also influenced by my desire to know other people and also share views on different topics. Through making comments on certain posts, I can express my views and also see what other people think about the certain issue. Most of all, I normally use social media as a way of keeping myself to date with what is happening across the world and also to know what is happening with my friends. Social media does create an excellent platform to communicate with other people including friends and families, and this connection is what drives my behavior.
Social media has blended marketed through using social media as a way of targeting consumers. The social media provides an opportunity for companies to market products to customers. For instances, the restaurant is regularly tweeting great recipes that customers can try out at home. Social media tend to be an effective tool for companies such as Adidas, Trident, Ford, and Pepsi. It tends to be an effective tool because it helps companies in delivering better customer service. With social media, it does provide real-time communication that helps to make happy customers that in turn creates brand evangelists who will drive positive brand sentiments.
The article selected is
Childress, S (2014). Danah Boyd: the kids are all right.
The article indicates how social media has managed to create a different environment that allows kids to participate in the economy.  

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in nursing essay help USA if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom college papers.

Case Summary

Lenovo: Building a Global Brand
The case discusses Lenovo’s efforts to go global by acquiring IBM’s PC division. Lenovo acquires IBM in order to operate on a global scale and establish itself as a global brand. At first, Lenovo mainly focused on the Chinese industry.  Arguably, the firm was the best-known brand in China.  Lenovo was virtually unknown in the other parts of the world. The major part of the company’s revenues came from its domestic operations. 

However, with increased competition, it became necessary to go global.  As a part of its strategy to go global, it began the acquisition of IBM.  The case analysis also discusses the success or failure of Lenovo before and after the acquisition.  It considers the benefits and costs of strategies considered by the firm in globalizing its brand.  As a new multinational, the firm would need a global branding and marketing strategy to extend its global reach. This meant designing a product line that matched what the business stood for.
Key questions
Should Lenovo introduce a branded product line designed for the market?
What is the disadvantage of implementing a global marketing program?
Criteria to make decisions
Differences in consumer usage patterns, needs and wants for products
Competitive environment
Need for more focused customer targeting
Riskiness of implementing the decision
Standardization of products
Customization of products
Lenovo should customize its products to suit different consumer markets.  While standardization would help Lenovo achieve maximum productivity, global economies of scale and incur low unit costs, the global market poses many challenges due to unique differences that characterize global audience. By customizing its products, Lenovo would take into considerations some important factors such as individual market expectations and specifications.

Quelch, J., & Knoop, C. I. (2006). Lenovo: Building a global brand. HBS Publ..

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in nursing essay help USA if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom college papers. 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Ideal Family

Activity #1
Case Study Questions
            Each of these family lifestyles allows the expression of individual personality. Each family goes about it differently and does not produce the same types of personalities, but each represents different kinds of family strengths. You won’t find exactly what you want in any of them. Nevertheless, some will carry the message of what you want more than others. Answering the following questions should help you gain a better recognition of what you are looking for and what you are biased toward and against, especially since we may have the opportunity to interchange ideas in class sessions.
1.  Which of these families most closely reflects the image you have of a good family? You may not like any of them, but you should be able to pick one as being more reflective of your ideas.
The family represented in Case number 3 reflected the image that I have of a good family.

2.  Identify three things about the family you chose that caused you to be more attracted to it.
a. I love the way the family that lives in a small town and a mid-sized house can manage to do things together like picnicking, visiting, and hobbies that may not be fancy but pleasant.
b. The family members like one another and support each other in various activities that make their lives enjoyable and easy to bear. 
c. The family is headed jointly, and each of them is willing to listen to the other though they understand that the father is the head.
3. Is there anything in the family you chose that you dislike? If so, identify it.
            One thing that I dislike about the family is that the mother, Mrs. Claymore does not work outside the home unless for emergencies. I think that it would be appropriate for both her and the husband to work and contribute to the growth and financial stability of the family.
4.    Which of these family groups seems to have achieved the most . . .
___Case No. 4 ----a. unity
____Case n. 5____ b. favorable conditions for providing for the personal satisfaction of each family member
___Case No. 2_____ c. favorable conditions for providing for the personal welfare of husband and wife, i.e. the well-being of their “pair” relationship
___Case N. 6_____ d.favorable conditions for increased open conflict and struggle among family members
___Case N. 3_____ e.clear evidence of love expression among family members
_____Case N. 1___ f. balanced organization of family resources
5.    As you look at each case study, what is it that most strike you about each family?
Case 1: The fact that they plan in advance on the welfare of their children even before they get them. 
Case 2: The family has the commitment to serve the community despite facing prejudice due to the lack of children.
Case 3: The family seems not to be well-up, but yet tries as much as they can to live a happy life and with satisfaction.
Case 4: The family appears to be fully dependent on the father as the head of the family, but gives freedom to the children to demonstrate achievement and develop certain skills.
Case 5: The family strikes me by the way both the mother and the father have taken their roles of guiding their children despite being engaged in other activities.
Case 6: The family members operate independently of each other in some issues that make them disengaged.
6.    Looking back at the answers you have given, what clues do they suggest about your particular desires for your family?
            In consideration of the issues highlighted in the text, I would desire my family to have unity, have open communication, and where members help to improve each other. I would desire that my family is embedded in values of love and self-expression where every member is given an opportunity to develop their abilities. The family ought to be engaged in the community activities as well and be concerned with other people’s affairs. 

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in nursing essay help USA if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom college papers.