Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Conversations Refugees by Mark Dowie

 The article Conversations Refugees by Mark Dowie is a comprehensive assessment of the prevailing conflicts that have been between the global conservation against the native people. The assertion in the article is that since the year 1900, there has been an establishment of more than 108,000 areas that encompass official conservation worldwide.  

Approximately half of the designated areas have been occupied by the indigenous people whereby millions, as were living sustainably on the lands for many generations, were now displaced in the interests of the conservation. In this article, Mark highlights the interesting position whereby both the conservationists and the indigenous people were seeking to guard their biological diversity. Further, he asserts that these two could effectively work together as they seek to enhance the desire of protecting the planet and at the sometimes preservation of diversity.
He, however, notes that for numerous years, these factions have been at odds with each other, resulting in the creation of huge tracts of unmanageable protected areas while the native populations have been reduced to poachers and trespassers on their ancestral land. He uses examples that are bringing out the state of affairs for the readers to assess, highlighting the complexity of the situations that are prevailing between the native populations and the conservationists. The book addresses some interesting aspects of the conservationism, as the need to respect and preserve the culture of the native populations amid the desire to protect nature. The role played by the famous conservationist bodies as has additionally bee addressed in the book, especially on the role they play in enhancing environmental conservations. The need to integrate the interests of conserving nature and the protection of traditions of native populations are the core elements of the book, with an emphasis being that there should be the establishment of the interdependence of cultural survival and conservation of biodiversity.

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