Friday, October 5, 2018

Engineering Ethics

            The energy companies and the government ought to provide an efficient and reliable supply of energy,in which nuclear energy is a good source due to the characteristic of being a low carbon source, with limited environmentalimpact, and the neutron sources are in abundance.
Argument Reconstruction
P1: A nuclear power reactor produces a steady supply of heat by use of nuclear fission process in a controlled manner. 
P2: The nuclear power generated is clean and efficient for boiling water that makes steam drive the turbines.
P3: The form of energy generated is a low carbon, has limited environment impact by generating minimum waste, and its sources are found in abundance. [P1, P2]
P4: If nuclear energy generated is a low carbon source and has a limited environmental impact due to minimal waste, then, it is necessary that the Energy companies invest more in nuclear energy and limit the over dependence on the other non-renewable sources of energy. [NP]
The energy companies ought to collaborate with the government in investing more in nuclear energy other than the other non-renewable sources of energy due to the associated benefits. The government has a duty to provide efficient and reliable energy for the benefit of the nation in which nuclear energy serves the purpose.
The fist premise gives the technical details of a nuclear power reactor and the mechanism applicable in energy generation.
The second premise gives the description of the method used in driving the turbines that generate electrical power.
The third premise is related to both the first and the second premises and outlines the characteristics and benefits of nuclear power energy.
The last sentence is a normative premise that has the conclusion from the arguments. 
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in customized research paper if you need a similar paper you can place your order for medicine essay writing.

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