Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Acquiring a Job as Web Service Developer

Iteration 1: Self Assessment
Whether one is just starting or is wondering if the career into which he/she is venturing would suit them better, self-assessments can assist them in considering various options and confirm the types of careers that might suit them (London & Smither, 1999). For that reason, the researcher’s plan for this iteration and research entailed examining the Web and searching for the sites that contained the information that would be useful for assessing himself to understand his strengths, weaknesses, interests, and core values. The aim of assessing himself along those lines was to find out if he was in the right position to venture into his career and be competent in my area of profession. He would then use this assessment to polish the areas that he will find to be deficient.
The researcher would begin with searching through various sites on the Mozilla browser that contain useful information about self-assessment. He then planned to select the sites that contained the specific information that he wanted especially about the tools for self-assessment, the areas of self-assessment such interests, values, and skills. Those three areas are the areas that are very important to the self-assessment of any person.  The researcher also planned to go through the various tools including Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Keirsey Temperament Sorter,, Big Five, iSeek Clusters, 16personalities, MyNextMove, and MAPP Test among others. This research was planned for August 26, 2016 through to August 29, 2016 whereby in the first two days he would find out about the sites and the tools, and the last two days, August 28 to 29, 2016 he planned to test himself against the three areas as mentioned above using the most appropriate type of tool among the ones opted for.

On the onset of August 26, 2016, the researcher embarked on the research concerning the self-assessment to determine his strengths and weaknesses, in the area of values, skills, and interests. He searched through many websites online in a bid to find out the crucial information that he wanted on self-assessment. Temperament Sorter,, Big Five, iSeek Clusters, 16personalities, MyNextMove, MAPP Test, Holland Code, and PI Behavioral Assessment; a total of ten self-assessment tools.  The researcher analyzed each and used them for assessing himself against the required professional requirements with the aim of acquiring the elements that he did not have before. They proved to be useful tools for my self-assessment task.
The site perfectly addressed the three areas interest assessment, skills assessment, and work values. The career assessment is a way of learning more about how well various careers might be appropriate for one. Each of the assessment focused on a particular area of skills, interests, and values. Through the assessment, the researcher was asked questions regarding his likes, dislikes, my preferences, and strengths. In interest assessment, the researcher had to find a career that best suits him based on my qualifications. He then assessed himself to find out the careers HE can do based the skills that he already had. Through the value assessment, He got to assess himself on values and tenets that are important and desirable for gaining a career satisfaction.
The researcher observed that before one sets foot in the interview room, it is vital and paramount to have a spiel down pat. It is not easy to have a spiel without knowing oneself better. Having an in-depth understanding of oneself is essential when one is choosing or even changing a career (Hall, 2004). The researcher observed that in my race for assessing himself, there was no need of doing a soul-searching walkabout for the purpose of understanding my values, emotional intelligence, personality traits, interests, weaknesses, and motivations since there are so many tools online that aided me in doing that effectively. He observed that when one leverages a number of tools, it is easy for one to adequately assess themselves in all the areas of self-assessment that will help them to choose the most appropriate career.
Essentially, a career assessment helps to learn more about how various careers may suit you (Gainor, 2006). Through the self-assessment, the researcher observed that some results indicated that my career was not suitable for me, but at the same time he realized that it is not possible to score hundred percent in everything, regardless of how interested and qualified one might be in a given area.   Also, from the research; the researcher observed that one’s skills describe what they like to do and what they are good at. Based on that information, one is encouraged to develop skills via training as well as experience so as to improve their ability to do tasks (Van der Heijden, 2002). The researcher observed that it is crucial to test one’s technical skills and soft skills because both of these skills are imperative for success in one’s career.
The researcher’s self-assessment research went on very well as he got to learn many things about the suitability of my career. In the search for his interests, weaknesses, strengths and skills as a web service developer, the researcher got the knowledge on his strengths and weaknesses and my deficiencies that he needed to work on so as to become perfectly suited for the career. Leveraging a variety of self-assessment tools and taking several tests helped me to unravel crucial information that had me understand himself better as a web service developer.
However, the researcher’s failure to be specific about his career line made him fear that he had missed out important information concerning the suitability of this career. The researcher suggests that in the subsequent iterations he will be more specific so as to find the information that is most appropriate and informative. He also had limited time to take all the tests, and he had made solid plans to ensure that the areas that were not addressed are addressed as he carries out his subsequent research.
Iteration 3 - Identifying Requirements of Potential Employers
After the researcher was done with the self-assessment, he then embarks on the process of finding the requirements of the potential employers so that he can prepare adequately for the employment that suits his strengths, interests, values, and skills. During this iteration, the researcher plans to search on the Web so as to identify the employer requirements after which he will then make a plan on how to meet those requirements through training. The research process is set for September 1, 2016, through to September 5, 2016.
During the first two days, that is, September 1, 2016, through to September 2, 2016, the researcher plans to utilize a variety of Career Resource centers with the aim of identifying the potential employers within the US, especially those that have the job offerings for Web service developers.  He also plans to make use of the CSB/SJU library resources, reading the newspapers, talking to friendly or family members for the researcher’s targeted geographical area. After the potential employers have been identified, the next ting that the researcher plans to do is to filter the job positions on September 3, 2016, followed by highlighting the job requirements of the selected cases on September 4, 2016, and September 5, 2016. 
From this first day to the second dam, that is, September 2, 2016, the researcher was mainly involved in searching for the potential employers within his geographical region. The researcher leveraged a variety of Career Resource Centers in his attempt to identify the potential employers within the US, particularly the ones that advertised jobs vacancies for Web service developers. He also did not miss out looking for the job advertisements on the other media including CSB/SJU library resources, reading the newspapers, and talking to friendly or family members.
After this through research accomplished in the first and second day of the research, the researcher then embarked on the scrutiny of the job offerings so as to select the company with the best employee treatment. He had to decide on the few useful positions by carrying out a further investigation into the companies and finding the way they treated their employees, their remuneration for the position in comparison with a similar position in other companies, and other conditions. During the last two days of the research, that is, September 4, 2016 and September 5, 2016 the researcher had to scrutinize all the job offerings against the job requirements with the aim of dining all the requirements and making a plan on how to go about in meeting the requirements through training in the net iteration. 
The researcher observed from the potentials employers that the web service development has a myriad of job tasks that calls for both the technical as well as the non-technical skills. The web services developer is supposed to demonstrate his/her experience in a broad range of well app development tools and techniques (Zang & Rosson, 2008) They should also employ their skills in building greater user experiences as well as integrating web applications with the back-end systems. They are the people who are required to be proactive and work with the modern development technologies including Grails and Groovy as they also grasp the opportunities to grow into the technical leadership roles (Clabby, 2002). There are several job qualifications, skills, and competencies that these professionals are required to have.
The researcher observed that the web service developers ought to have undergone a post-secondary education in the area of computers, engineering or any equivalent training plus a two or more years experience in designing/executing interactive and data-intensive applications. The web service developers should also have a solid understanding of the semantic layout techniques as well as the JavaScript, JQuery, and Prototype (Alonso, Casati, Kuno, & Machiraju, 2004). It is also required that the web service developers have in-depth knowledge of HTML5, CSS, and DOM. They also ought to be fluency in the Adobe CS and the associated front-end development plus and experience in RIA technologies such as Google web service Toolkit, AJAX, Flash, and Flex. The another vital requirement for the web service developers is the knowledge and competence in the area of Web services such as SOAP, JSON, open APIs, XML, and XML Schema (Curbera et al., 2002). They also need to be conversant and experienced with any of the modern relational database management systems, experience with Eclipse, QA tools, and SVN among other requirements.
The iteration on web service development requirements was well accomplished with the many objectives being realized. The researcher came to learn from the research that a web service developer is an important employee in any organization based on the responsibilities and task that are vested in them. He also got to learn about the areas that he needed to work on so as to become and remain competent as a web service developer. The many sites that he visited online, the newspapers, information gotten from friends and family members contained crucial information. The only thing that never went well was that the researcher over-relied more on the online sources more than the other sources. He plans to address that in the future research work.
Iteration 4 - Training
From the previous iteration, the researcher learned that certification is very important for web service developers and that many employers preferred the Oracle certified web service developer certification. The researcher then plans to visit various sites including to find the study materials and then enroll for an online class for the certification between September 9, 2016, to October 27, 2016. The researcher plans to have a thorough insight into various areas of Oracle Certified Web Service Developer including the area of XML Web Service Standards, the SOAP 1.2 standards, WSDL and UDDI, JAXR, development of web services, JAX-WS, JSON, XML processing APIs, REST, and SOAP among other crucial areas relevant to the web service developer.  The other areas that might be paramount in this certification include J2EE Web services, security, general design and architecture; the interoperability technologies for web services; and endpoint design and architecture.
On September 9, 2016, the researcher started with searching online for the sites that contained the training for Oracle Certified Web Service Developer. The researcher discovered that the certification with the Oracle Systems Inc was the best since. Otherwise, the certification was based on Oracle. The certification was also a good opportunity for the researcher since he had the knowledge of Java thereby making it easy to grasp the training concepts. The certification was not merely exam oriented, but it was meant to give the researcher the desired practical skills in the area of web service development particularly using Java technology.
In the latter site, the researcher got to get an in-depth insight into all the areas that were being covered in the certification and then on September 15, 2016; he enrolled in this class. The researcher tackled every topic and used video tutorials to understand the way various tasks were being executed. Those topics included the XML and SOAP Web 1.2 Web service standards, JSON, SOAP, REST, and XML processing; JAXR; interoperability technologies for web services, security, J2EE Web services, endpoint design and architecture; and general design and architecture. In the morning, i.e., between 9 am and 11.50 am the researcher would attend the online classes and then during the evening he would do own research as he also recapped the things he had learned during the day. The researcher then attempted the examination between October 20 and 27 to get the certification.
The researcher observed that with the basic skills in coding in Java, it was easy to learn most of the Java fundamentals being taught in the Oracle Certified Web Service Developer certified classes. He also observed that the Java certification examinations are cautiously designed so as to make sure that the student does not miss out on the Java essentials. The researcher observed that the certifications are normally designed to give the students practical skills that will make them be effective in their daily tasks in the work environment (McGill & Dixon, 2007). The researcher also observes that achieving a good certification impacts one’s credibility on their resume. Also, the skills in the web service development have changed forever; for instance in the area of Java, in the past, it used to be Web Components, Servlets, etc., but now we talk of SCJP, SCWCD, and SCEA (McIlraith  & Martin, 2003).
The researcher also observed that the area of Oracle Certified Web Service Developer certification entailed much then he had expected. While developing the web services, the developer is required to be well versed with the knowledge of how to configure, package and implement the Java EE web services (if using Java technology) as well a service clients such as the description of the packaging formats that include jar., ear., .war, annotations as well as the description settings. He needs to be well versed with the web service development technologies for as many platforms as possible so as to stand a high chance of getting employment (Carnevale, Rose, & Hanson, 2012). With just one certification, one can beat many job applicants since many of them just have a college degree with no additional certification. That is because the employers believe that the one who has acquired the Java certifications has more pratical skills and job experience compared to the one who has not (Wireschen, & Zhang, 2010).
The iteration on training resulted in the researcher acquiring vital skills that would make him competent in this area of web service development.  The researcher had garnered much of the theoretical skills in this area, but through this iteration, he got to advance those skills through the certification training. The way that the researcher planned the iteration made him have the success that he experienced. After undergoing training in the morning hour, the researcher then revised those things he had learned as he also sought for clarifications and other additional information. It also gave him a chance of acquiring more knowledge concerning the areas of web service development, got to prepare adequately for the subsequent classes and also the final exam. Also, carrying out the tests online gave the researcher the knowledge of the areas that would be tested in the final exam.
The trainers also handled every area of the Oracle Certified Web Service Developer well thereby helping the researcher to garner important skills to become a professional web service developer. The training also gave the researcher the confidence to carry out any task related to the web service development. However, one thing that did not auger well during this iteration was that the researcher failed to involve experts as he had planned and only relied on the Web. He thinks that involving those professionals in web service development would have given him more knowledge than that acquired from the Web.

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Clabby, J. (2002). Web services explained: Solutions and applications for the real world. Prentice Hall Professiona
Curbera, F., Duftler, M., Khalaf, R., Nagy, W., Mukhi, N., & Weerawarana, S. (2002). Unraveling the Web services web: an introduction to SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. IEEE Internet computing, 6(2), 86.
Hall, D. T. (2004). The protean career: A quarter-century journey. Journal of vocational behavior, 65(1), 1-13.
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McGill, T. J., & Dixon, M. W. (2007). Information technology certification: A student perspective.
McIlraith, S. A., & Martin, D. L. (2003). Bringing semantics to web services. IEEE Intelligent systems, 18(1), 90-93.
Van der Heijden, B. (2002). Prerequisites to guarantee life-long employability. Personnel review, 31(1), 44-61.
Wireschen, D., & Zhang, G. (2010). Information technology certification value: An initial response from employers. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 19(4), 89-109.
Zang, N., & Rosson, M. B. (2008, September). What’s in a mashup? And why? Studying the perceptions of web-active end users. In 2008 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (pp. 31-38). IEEE.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in help writing nursing research paper if you need a similar paper you can place your order for customized papers.

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