Owls Use Torpor? Winter Thermoregulation in Free-Ranging Pearl-Spotted Owlets and African Scops-Owls
Many birds’ gets to regulate the body temperature below
the normothermic levels, and this does define such birds as heterothermic. The
regulation takes place during the rest phase of the bird. The regulation takes
to occur at different rates depending on the mass body mass. The climate of the
semi-arid areas gets to have the less and irregular unpredictable rainfall. The
torpor takes applied in such climates by the endotherms birds for the
regulation and balancing of the energy. However, it should get noted that birds
only get to use the torpor on natural conditions.
on eth research on the free-living pearl-spotted owlets (Glaucidium perlatum)
in the hot desert of Kalahari in South Africa, it gets observed that the
pearl-spotted owlets took to be active and heard calling at day and night and
easily radio with involvement in many activities around the sunrise and sunset.
On the other hand, it gets observed that the African scops-owls are active only
at night and also easily radio at the time of 30 minutes before the sun rises.
The free-ranging pearl-spotted owlets take to maintain the temperature of 36.5
C and 41 C, meaning they do not exhibit torpor for winter thermoregulation. In
the African scops-owls, the temperature of the skin gets to reduce to the below
normothermic limits that get to mean that the slight representation of the
shallow torpor. Furthermore, it gets revealed that the owls exhibiting the
torpor take to have the energetic stress during the cold winters. Therefore,
the African Scops-owls used the torpor for winter thermoregulation, unlike the
others that are flexible with the climate change.
salts define the end products of metabolites of cholesterol that is essential
in the shaping of the gut and lipid digestion. Bile acids take to combine with
the hydroxyl that offers some resistant to deconjugation caused by the
intestinal bacteria. However, the resistant cannot get felt with the
application of the bile acid alone without the conjugation with the hydroxyl
group at C-23.teh bird family species does have different bile salt profiles
while the nonavian species of three reptiles families had the bile salt
salts were at a stable level within genera; however in an approximate of seven
genera species had the variation in bile salt structures. The seven genera
species include the chlamydera (bowerbirds), the crax (curassows), Coracias
(rollers), Dendrocydera (Whistling ducks), pteroglossus (aracaris), Dacula
(pigeons), and the ptilinopus (fruit doves). The bile salts were stable within
only 13 bird species although five of the species had a slight varying in the
bile salts profiles that used to overlap. The bile salts did also vary within
the Falconiformes with the availability of several bile salts found within the
respective species. The Strigiformes species had CA and CDCA bile salt variants
according to the study in the Strigidae (true owls) and 16α-hydroxy-CDA in the
Tytonidae (Barn-owls). Bile acids get categorized as C27 bile alcohols, C27
bile acids, the stem C24 bile acid (chenodeoxycholic acid), the -hydroxylated
bileB1 acids-hydroxylated bileA, 16 acids, and the 23R-hydroxylated bile acids. It gets also depicted
that bird diet gets to have an influence on the bile salt profile.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
(H5N1) Outbreaks in Wild Birds and Poultry, South Korea
article gets to handle the outbreak of the Highly Pathogenic Influenza (HPAI)
virus of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) subtype in the Republic of
China, Russia, and Mongolia between the years 2009 and 2010. The outbreak of
the virus gets diagnosed in the poultry and the human of which the threat
persistent with the spread. The most affected were the wild birds and the
domesticated waterfowl’s species of order Anseriformes. The disease in the
South Korea got realized with the cause being the spread from the migrating
birds that happened to introduce the virus to the nation. According to the
study within the article, fourteen bird species were potentially susceptible to
the virus of subtype H5N1. The species affected with the virus included the
order Galliformes that defines the chickens, quail that had clinical signs and
died suddenly. The order Anseriformes experienced a reduction in the egg
production and also died suddenly. The same infection was to order
Strigiformes, and the birds were found dead with the detection of infection
from the healthy mallards and the feces. The virus did kill the birds on sudden
occasion sand the spread was on high rate because the most birds that get
highly infected lacked the amino acid substitutions. According to the study on
the done, the amino acids gets to provide some resistance to amantadine and the
absence of the substitutions got associated with the increase of the H5N1 virus
in the mammalian hosts. The virus spread was rampant that the southern Asia
region was affected, and the essential mitigation for the virus is the early
detection of the virus outbreak and undertaking a rapid response takes to
control the virus introduction to the poultry from the migratory birds. The
practice further gets to prevent the farm to farm spread.
Evolutionary Patterns of MHC Class
II B in Owls and Their Implications for the Understanding of Avian MHC
take to have a special mode of evolution about the other avian species. The
article takes a focus on the central role of the major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) in understanding the adaptive immune system and the overall
evolution of the order Strigiformes. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
gets discussed in the diverse lineage of the vertebrates, and it gets defined
that the birds get to differ from the mammalian norm. The evolution with the
mammalians gets to happen on its own which can only get realized in three
species of birds that get closely related. Therefore, the paper provides the
evidence of the orthology persistence to the major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) genes.
Major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) takes to play a crucial role in the vertebrate resistance to diseases,
but that is not the case it gets to provide an outstanding pattern of molecular
evolution which the interest for the study. Major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) evolution gets characterized with the frequent activities of duplication
that defines birth, the genes loss that means the death that gives the
formation of the birth to death evolution.
A study got through the extraction
of the RNA by the method of TRIzol from the fresh blood samples of one
individual from a group of 10 owl species. The study got conducted and of the
MHCIIB Amplification, cloning and the sequencing of the blood samples. It
resulted in the identification of the distribution of polymorphism for the
functional MHC genes. The phylogenetic relationships of the owl based on the
MHCIIB sequences were drawn to provide the evolutionary histories of the exon 2
and exon 3. The MHCIIB sequences got recombined to facilitate the understanding
of the evolution of the Owls.
Seropositivity and Risk Factors
Associated with Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Wild Birds from Spain
Toxoplasma gondii is a type of zoonotic
intracellular protozoan parasite that gets to affect the many warm-blooded
animal species with the birds being at the higher risk mostly. The article
takes a study to the identification of the seropositivity of Toxoplasma gondii
infection and the risk factors that facilitate the Toxoplasma gondii infection
in the wild birds from Spain. The warm-blooded animals get to be the
intermediate hosts of the Toxoplasma gondii infection which get to affect the
intake of foods and water contaminated with sporulated Toxoplasma gondii
oocysts. The Toxoplasma gondii infection is quite prevalent in avian species of
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9]. The undertaking of a study of Toxoplasma gondii
seropositivity in birds is useful in assessing the contamination of the
ingestion of the oocysts.
Studies of the Toxoplasma gondii
seropositivity have shown the high level of prevalence of the Toxoplasma gondii
antibodies in most of the wild birds. From the analysis of the studies, the associated
risk factors that get to associate with the Toxoplasma gondii infections
includes the sex, age, order, species, habits, dietary and the geographic
origin of the individual. Serum samples got taken from 1079 wild birds of 56
different species where the order Strigiformes had a total of 260. The studied
included the placement of the blood into the serum and centrifuged after
clotting of the mixture. Then, the examination took place in the employment of
the modified agglutination test (MAT). The results of the examination were that
the overall seropositivity against the Toxoplasma gondii was 26.1% representing
a total of282 birds that tested positive. Order Strigiformes showed the highest
level of seropositivity of 44.0% representing some 259 Owls in comparison to
other species.
Colour polymorphism in birds:
causes and functions
The article takes to have the study
of the evolutionary causes of colour polymorphism and the adaptive functions of
colour polymorphism. The study takes into the account the ecological and
morphological features of the polymorphic species. The occurrence of the colour
polymorphism was observed to be very high in the species of Strigiformes,
Ciconiiformes, Cuculiformes and the Galliformes. Polymorphism takes to have
different morphological, individual behavioral and the physiological traits.
Colour polymorphism is a phenomenon widely spread in the many animal taxa and
identified vertebrates. The class Aves is a popular class that can get
ornithologists to undertake the survey for the better study of the colour and
pattern-morphism in birds.
The article reviewed the
hypothesized mechanisms that could have facilitated the production and
maintenance of the colour polymorphism in the relation to the potential
functions. Colour polymorphism undertaken in birds is quite a rare phenomenon
that within the study it involved only a 3.5% of the whole figure of bird
species. Though, it should get noted that about 61% of the bird orders gets to
contain polymorphic species. According to the study of the colour polymorphism
in birds, the occurrence of the phenomenon was very high in order Strigiformes
with a rate 33%, 12% of Cuculiformes, 9.5% of Galliformes, and 9% of
Ciconiiformes. The owls and the nightjars are closely related orders, but the relationship
of Owls with Ciconiiformes has a big gap. Mating of the species had the
influence over the colour polymorphism. The sexually dichromatic species had a
low level of colour polymorphism. The dietary as a factor also had an influence
on the phenomenon as the colour polymorphism is higher in vegetarian taxa.
Sarcocystis falcatula–associated
encephalitis in a free-ranging great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
free-ranging great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) got admitted to The Raptor Center rehabilitation clinic containing some severe
neurologic signs and symptoms that got unresponsive to
supportive care. The animal could not fly despite the good conditions of the nutritional state that was weighing 1.54 kg. The Owl was active
in all specification; however, the animal was tilting
the head to the left. Based on the physical examination of the Owl, it got revealed
that the animal had a small
corneal scar without the
signs for neither
trauma nor otitis externa.
Before the Owl died, the various tissues of the free-ranging great horned Owl got extracted and subjected
to histological examination.
During the
undertaking of a post-mortem to the free-ranging great
horned Owl, the significant
related macroscopic lesions got undetected since the spleen was in a normal size.
The outcomes of the histological examination
to the free-ranging great
horned Owl revealed that the cerebrum, cerebellum, and
the brainstem got affected by the
granulomatous meningoencephalitis. The further examination of the free-ranging great
horned Owl revealed that the animal was free of the protozoal megaloschizont associated
with the infection. Therefore, the protozoal
associated organisms got
undetected in the free-ranging great horned Owl tissues that got examined. The
results of the experiments and examination
taken on the Owl the results are consistent with the Sarcocysts falcatula
that differ from Sarcocysts
neurona. The
free-ranging great horned Owl is a bird
of prey that makes the transmission of the Sarcocystis falcatula
infection either by the ingestion of the
sporulated sporocysts or ingestion of muscle sarcocyst. The diet for
the free-ranging great
horned Owl located in the
North America contained Sarcocystis falcatula sarcocysts
that take to harbor the intestinal sporulated
The evolution of plumage polymorphism
in birds of prey and owls: the
apostatic selection hypothesis
The article takes to have
the understanding of the origin and the provision
of the maintenance of the polymorphism in natural animal populations. The article then
takes to have the testing to whether the apostatic selection hypothesis gets applied to the understanding of the plumage polymorphism of the birds of prey and the
Owls. Apostatic selection hypothesis
takes to employ the ecological and life history
variables of animals for the determination of the plumage polymorphism understanding. Therefore, the aim is to determine the association between population size of the birds of prey and
owl and polymorphism.
phenotypic polymorphism is independent of sex and age
variables found in the
fish, reptiles and birds and
takes to restrict itself to the parts of the body. Different
morphs can get selected based
on the directional trait
selection though the process gets difficult to the challenges. The plumage polymorphism is common in bird taxa of birds of prey (order
Falconiformes), the Owls (order
Strigiformes) and the
skuas (order Stercorariidae).It
takes to apply the apostatic selection hypothesis to understand the plumage polymorphism because the technique is appealing as it gets a new
predator with the ecosystem without the realization of the prey.
The research got done
on 237 species of family
Accipitridae and 58 species
of order Strigiformes. The birds of prey had
a 30% degree of polymorphism with he
degree increasing with reproduction rate, the migration pattern, niche breadth
and range size
but reduced with the incubation. Owls had 50% degree of polymorphism that
primarily increased with the migration pattern but decreased with body size, body weight,
wing length, incubation, prey size, and
hunting method. Therefore, it is clearly
shown that the polymorphism gets related to the population size of both the Birds of Prey and Owls. Also, the apostatic selection hypothesis does not support the maintenance of the plumage polymorphism.
independent origins of mitochondrial gene order in birds
The vertebrate animals exhibit same 37 genes of mitochondrial genomes
that take to vary in the circular DNA molecule arrangement. It gets suggested
that the mitochondrial gene order has the potential as the phylogenetic markers
associated with the higher-level vertebrate taxa. The phylogenetic marker
features get the biologists to develop the interest for the understanding of
the genome evolution. The article provides evidence of parallel evolution in
mitochondrion gene order character for animals with the show of the physical
constraints on the mitochondrion gene order.
During the analysis, the
genomic DNA got separated from the animal muscle tissue as the mitochondrial
DNA gets amplified by the aid of the PCR. In the case, only the DNA associated
with the mitochondrial-rich muscle tissues were applied with the exemption of
the DNA from the nucleated red blood cells. The examination of the DNA samples
got examined for the distinguishing the features of the nuclear copies.
Owl (order
Order Strigiformes is a
member of the primary nocturnal raptors of a homogeneous order found all over
the world. The Owl gets regarded as a symbol of intelligence that presaged
events. Furthermore, the owl relation with the nocturnal existence, the
creature gets regarded as a symbol that gets associated with the occult all
over the global. In the middle ages, the owl got used to mean darkness and
associated with evil before the coming of Christ. Also, as it gets to act as a
symbol for darkness, it gets to represent or rather symbolize the non-believer
that gets to dwell in the evil world of darkness.
Undertake of scientific
study to the order Strigiformes species is quite tricky because the animal
takes to have the operations in the silent night time with the relation to the
results of ecology, behaviour, and the taxonomy of the many species all over
the world remains poorly understood.
The size of the owl is
almost the same as the size of their active daytime counterparts, the hawk.
They get to have a measure of 13cm to 70 cm in length with wingspans of between
30cm to 200cm. The order Strigiformes that gets to define the owls are
carnivores meaning they only feed on other animals with the rodents beings
their most common prey; they also feed on insects. The Owl appears with a flat
face, large and forward facing eyes with a small beak that is hooked. It has a
short tail and rounded wings with large feet of sharp talons that takes after
the species of birds of prey (Order Falconiformes). The Owls (0rder
Strigiformes) are of two families, the families’ totals to 182 species. The
primary families are the Family Tytonidae and the Family Strigidae. The species
are found all over the world on all continents except Antarctica continent.
Use of
immunohistochemistry (IHC) in the detection of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in
experimentally and naturally infected birds
The study had the
objective to apply and standardize the immunohistochemistry (IHC) to diagnose
the Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The samples of experiment got done within
the pigeons (Columba livia) and the chicken (Gallus gallus). The experiment
involved the infection of the sample group with the pathogenic samples of the
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and observation made through the provision of the
results documentation.
Newcastle disease is a
highly contagious and viral widespread disease that gets to infect birds, and
the disease gets rated with a high mortality. The disease affected the
different avian species and caused by the Avian Paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV 1)
which is a member of genus Avulavirus from the family Paramyxoviridae.
Based on the previous
surveys, almost 236 of free-living species from the 27 out of the 50 orders of
bird are reported to be susceptible to the Newcastle disease. It gets presumed
that the source of the Newcastle disease virus to the infection of the poultry
is from the wild birds since the disease is commonly believed to get found in
The immunohistochemistry
(IHC) got applied to 15 pigeons, and 15 chickens were only the adult birds got
used. It got found that ten birds from each species got infected with the
Newcastle disease. The remaining got inoculated with the PBS pH of 7.2 for the
negative controlling of the infection. After the standardization of the
experiment with a sample 46 birds with the immunohistochemistry (IHC)
technique, it was found that the adults died of the unknown causes. Order
Strigiformes had some nine behind the order Passeriformes that had 18, and
order Caprimulgiformes had only 1 case.
An owl is a common name
for the nocturnal birds of prey that are found all over the world. The Owls
take to have the take after of the hawks that are short-necked with the only
difference drawn from the eyes. The eyes of the Owl are directly forward within
the forehead and surrounded by the radiating disk of feathers. The structure
gets to give the owl a unique appearance with a short tail within the feathers.
the order Strigiformes species were regarded to have the appearance of some
studious intelligence of which the owls get regarded as a symbol of wisdom in
the previous times. Owls can see during the day, but they get to see in partial
darkness, and it gets realised that they are active during the night as during
the day they get to spend the whole time sleeping. This has had the challenge
of the undertaking of the study over the Owls. They have a soft and fluffy
plumage that makes them noiseless as they get to fly. The order (Strigiformes)
of owls get subdivided into two primary families; the barn owls (family
Tytonidae) that define the owls with the structure of a heart-shaped face, and
the typical owls (family Strigidae) that take to comprise the many species of
the order Strigiformes. Owls do feed on animals with the major prey being the
rodents, insects, toads and frogs, and also the small birds. Just as the Hawks,
Owls do regurgitate pellets of the indigestible matter. The order Strigiformes
gets to have a length range of 15cm to 61 cm, a wingspread of 120 cm to 150 cm
based on the species and habitat. Each region of the world has a defined
species of the order Strigiformes that inhabits. Owls get classified in the
phylum Chordata, a subphylum Vertebrata, of class Aves, with order
Strigiformes, of families Tytonidae and Strigidae.
Order Strigiformes natural
The ecology of the order
Strigiformes defines the species standing the chance to utilize all the
habitats all the way from the grasslands and the tundra to the dense woodlands
habitat and the rainforest. The distribution of the Owls gets affected by the
suitability of the nesting sites than the consideration of the prey of the
order Strigiformes. The prey gets not considered because the Owl’s prey gets
defined by the body size of the Owl and the abundance of a given potential
prey. The Owl takes the prey by swallowing it as whole where the indigestible
material gets regurgitated in the form of pellets. The indigestible materials
may be feathers, fur, and even bones.
The behavior of the Owls
takes the focus to sound. The sound is essential for Owls especially in mating
and the territorial defense. Owls takes to camouflage, the daytime immobility
and silent flight makes it difficult for owls to see each and get seen by the
natural enemies. The sound of the owl is less melodious as compared to the
other bird species. The species takes to communicate through sounds such as
during the dissemination of food to the young ones, ejecting the young ones
from the territory. The reproduction and development of the owls take to have
the building of nest in trees, caves and the utilization of the hawk nests. The
animal gets to stay together but not during the breeding, and the egg laying
gets timed until the young ones get independent of the parents, and they get to
lay many eggs than the other diurnal raptors. The young ones develop in
different phases until they get rejected from the territory. The Owls take to
use the feet for perching and grasping the press that get to define the
locomotion of the order Strigiformes species.
Mycobacteriosis in Wild
Birds: the Potential risk of Disseminating a Little-known Infectious Disease
Avian Mycobacteriosis is
essential to the support of the animal and human health. However, birds do play
a very useful role in the mycobacterial species ecology and the species
movement. Thus, the article takes to have the review of addressing the role
played by the birds in the spread of the avian Mycobacteriosis in human kind
and overall animal population. Birds get involved in the dispersal of the
microorganisms by acting as the biological and mechanical carriers of the
mycobacterium. At the moment, the status of Avian Mycobacteriosis is unknown to
the nature and even the dispersion of the Avian Mycobacteriosis by the bird
species is also still unknown. Te article takes to provide the role played by
the birds for the potential risk of infection by the Avian Mycobacteriosis
Mycobacteria are
non-sporulated bacteria with a lipid-rich cell wall that takes to form smooth
colonies when cultured in the solid medium. The Mycobacteria’ highest concentration
in the lipid cells causes the resistance to the immune defense system. the
Mycobacteria avium complex (MAC) takes to contain the opportunistic pathogens
that are capable of causing diseases to humankind and other animals.
Avian Mycobacteriosis is
a disease that gets to affect all birds worldwide, either free-living or
staying in captivity reported highest in the temperate zones of the northern
and tropical areas. The mycobacterial infection incidence in the birds is still
unknown and gets to differ depending on the species, age, and housing
conditions of the birds. The infection prevalence also is not yet defined;
however, the captivity birds are highly affected as compared to wild free
birds. The infection is reported to be susceptible to many bird species such as
the Raptors (2, 9, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 36, 37 and 38). The coming into
contact with the birds takes to cause the transmission of the infection to the
animals and the humankind.
The distribution of
Barn Owl nest sites about altitude in southwest England
Barn owls Tyto alba gets
described of the habitat and distribution in Britain as the lowland birds. The
species breeding distribution gets affected and influenced by the altitude
limit that the animal can stay. The identified altitudinal limit from the
previous study is the altitude measure of between 250m to 300m above the sea
level. The Barn owls Tyto alba gets to breed at slightly higher altitudes in
the southwest of England than any other place in the United Kingdom. The
increasing snow cover gets to limit and influence the distribution of the Barn
Owls Tyto alba. The study got undertaken in the consideration of scattering
nests according to the altitude. The highest recording was at 384m above the
sea level with a total of six nest-sites recording an altitude of 300m above
the sea level. It gets observed that the distribution to the south-west is low
since the Barn owls Tyto alba gets to nest at higher altitudes with the current
upper altitudinal limit within the region being at 400m above the sea level.
Batey, C.
(2013). The distribution of Barn Owl nest-sites in relation to altitude in southwest
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