Executive Summary
Enterprises has a very low and very vulnerable network perimeter. The network
has put the company at risks of attack by the unauthorized intruders. The
company would like to implement a better firewall system than the previous
system that could easily be penetrated. Additionally, the company would like to
make the files accessible to everyone within the company but should remain
certain levels and within the company’s economic standards. Besides the
problem, there is also an opportunity that the company would like to seize. The
company would like to expand its operations thereby including manufacturing and
distribution of fortune cookies.
Enterprises is planning to solve the current problem through implementation of
an effective network perimeter to enhance the company’s security posture as
well as the visibility. The proposed network perimeter is expected to build an
accountable and comprehensive picture of communications that allows the company
to manage the flow of the traffic easily, effectively, and securely. The
proposal is meant to replace the current hodgepodge of the point products that
has been keeping essential threat intelligence in silos.
The alternative solution to the current
network problem at XYZ Enterprises is using open source tools such as Palo Alto
Networks, which is a next-generation firewall. However, the company will have
to strike a balance between blocking all users’ personal applications and
allowing the user to use all of them. The alternative solutions will begin with
having knowledge of the various applications and respective users. The
information will allow the company to create effective policies that will
enable to control the firewall. The policies will extend beyond the traditional
approach that either allows or denies services and applications. However, the
solution will give the company the ability to enable some applications securely
without having to degrade the performance of the firewall (Harrison & Lock,
Before the implementation of the network
perimeter, the company has done a feasibility study to evaluate the viability
of the project. The list below provides the principal considerations for the
project (Stevens & Sherwood, 1982).
Justification: The Company has evaluated the cost
advantage in the implementation of the network security
disruptions during implementations: The network
implementation will be conducted in bits to avoid disruptions for the daily use
of the network.
The security considerations have been established based on the security
guidelines and requirements of the network.
The choice of the hardware and design are scalable which will also allow
possible future expansion of the network within the company.
There is the likelihood that the
implementation of the perimeter will not be completed on time.
Weak participation of users in the
project team
The project might suffer from unclear
change management procedures that may delay project completion
There is likelihood of lack of
definition of change management procedures in the project that may affect the
project negatively
Availability of the project team where
they may go missing thereby affecting the negatively regarding completion
The project may go beyond the estimated
schedule that would affect the organization negatively regarding inconveniences
Current Environment of the
company’s mission is to enable system and software developers to advance world
understanding, peace, and goodwill through the development of systems that
support humanity and alleviates poverty.
Enterprises vision is to be the leading company that develops systems and
software with the ability to support humanity and alleviating poverty in the
United States and the world.
of the Current Organization
Enterprises is a new company that aims at providing a high quality system and
software and IT services to its customers. It has begun operations recently and
is scheduled to take off well within the next two months. The company is a
partnership that is owned and operated by Norman Smith and Robert Johnson. The
company targets small and medium sized companies and government agencies within
the northern side of Illinois including Chicago and the surrounding areas. The
company will seek major software and system development contracts with medium
sized companies. The company sets its sites as the go-to company for the
establishment for other software and system development companies that do not
have this capability.
of the Current Business Environment
company has not been in existence for long. Therefore, it is still in the
process of familiarizing itself with some business environments. However, the
company has gathered enough customers during the time it has been in the
existence. Government policies are favorable, and they will enable growth
within the next decades. Competition is stiff which requires the company to
produce quality products to help add to the current customers. The political
atmosphere is also favorable which is expected to spur the growth of the
company within the next year. The company supports small and medium businesses
through the providence of quality system and software and IT services. The
company stands to gain from its location at the heart of Chicago shopping
district that provides accessible routes to the city’s business core.
of the Organization Technological Environment
company has embraced the recent and modern technology in the process of
conducting the business. It has continued to advertise its products and
services through the social media such as Facebook and Twitter among others.
The company also has the fastest technology in the region with the capability
of transmitting at a higher rate compared to others in the same category. It
has CCTV surveillance to maintain its security around the premises. The current
technological environment in the environment is expected to lead the company
into the next phase of growth.
Description of the Problem
of the Recommended Solution
recommended solution removes the need for physical media of the traditional LAN
and replaces it with a modern technology such as radio waves. The freedom of
the physical media will also allow any user within the range to pick the
signal. It will also allow connections any point within the radius of the
network perimeter. It is significant compared to the current network. These
features will enable the company users to access files within the range without
the need to worry about security. It will also boost the productivity of the
employees which will lead to the growth of the business (Lester, 2007).
of the Project
current project is a recommendation to improve the security of XYX Enterprises
by implementing a perimeter around the network. The project will solve the
problem by implementing various security measures that are identified in the
perimeter. The project will entail improvement of the overall status of the
network, firewalls, UNIX Security, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), server
security, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs)
among others. Additionally, the project will aim at evaluating how the above
components relate. The project also aims at assessing the effectiveness of
wireless connections, mobile systems, portable storage devices and other links
within the network. However, the project is not aiming at improving the speed
of the network or adding other components to the network (Moustafaev, 2014).
Enterprises has a normal business environment. Therefore, the architecture of
its network and security will be developed through several meetings and
discussions. The meetings cannot be done actively thereby necessitating for the
following assumptions during the proposal of the project (Newel, 2005).
Software and systems are the main
products of the company and should be protected from exposure
The company has not established itself
in the best way and therefore, it will not need its security known to every
All the remote access of the network
from the field through the VPN would be possible via HQ VPN
The project committee will not discuss
the application-level security beyond function provided by such security.
All the remote offices within the
company will not allow direct connectivity of the employee to the Internet.
Conduction of Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI) e-commerce over the Internet is prohibited.
There are anticipations of various
constraints that may derail the implementation of the project. While some may
be beyond the capabilities and solutions of the company, some are not beyond
the reach of the company. The project committee has seen the following
constraints that may derail project implementation (Doraiswamy & Shiv,
There may be inadequate manpower within
the organization to enable timely completion of the project.
The users will require training at the
end of the project on various security components that will have been added to
the network
The management may not support the
project fully
Some of the network security components
required in the project may not be available in the local market.
The company may not be able to support
the demands of the new-look network security.
The funds the company is willing to set
aside for the completion of the project may not be enough.
Data Collection and Analysis
company will employ interviews as the first methodology of data collection and
analysis. The project team chose the methodology because of the data collection
strategy, the type of variable, the accuracy required, knowledge and skills of
the enumerator, and the collection point. Interview comprises of filling with
forms that are completed during the interview between the interviewer and the
respondent. However, interview as a method of data collection is more expensive
than filling questionnaires. They are suitable for complex questions,
illiteracy or low levels of literacy of the respondent or inadequate
cooperation (Olsen, 2011).
interview was conducted by determining the information the project required.
The project team wanted to find out the vulnerabilities of the current network
and which improvements were required to better its functionalities. The next
step was determining the audience. The step was easy since the team would
interview the employees from different departments within the company.
Interviews were conducted according to the plan and the wish of the project
team. Determining the questions the respondents would answer was the hardest
results of the interviews were encouraging. Most of the respondents
participated fully. There were no major problems since the level of literacy
and cooperation was high and not what normal interviews in other places would
have turn out. Most of the respondents were convinced about the implementation
of the network perimeter within the company since they had experienced attacks
that emanated from unauthorized intrusions (Axinn & Pearce, 2006).
The company employed observations as the
second methodology of data collection and analysis. The project team would make
direct observations to the company network after which it would assess its
security status. The assessment would help the team come up with the most
suitable method that they would to implement perimeter which is a component of
security. The methodology was selected because it is the most effective and
cheap to collect and analyze data.
methodology has not a specific process that it should follow. It involves
making direct observations to a phenomenon the researcher wants to study.
Therefore, it would be the same for the company’s project team. They made
direct observations to the company’s network from which they assessed different
security requirements of the network. The outcome of the assessment of the
network was that the network required the addition of some components that
would improve its security and increase its productivity. The outcomes were
also impressive and were some of the reasons that would make the management
embrace the project (Weller & Romney, 1988).
SWOT Analysis
initials SWOT are an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats. They are the basic components of SWOT analysis usually presented as a
matrix with four main parts where each part represents each component. XYZ
Enterprises has similar to other software development companies in that it has
its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as presented below (Fine,
Adoption of the most current and strong
The company offers its products and IT
services at competitive prices
The company has a implemented an online
customer sales service with user-friendly services and an interface
Excellent customer relationship
management (CRM)
The company has a strong base of active
and competent system developers
The company has a stateside real-time
customer service that answers customers’ calls promptly
The company has excellent reference
customers who are happy without the products and services.
The company’s brand of products and the
company, in general, is little-known
The company has a narrow line of
products that go hand in hand with other IT products and services such as data
backup and recovery
The current website and network traffic
is low compared to the expected competition
The company lacks organic funding
meaning that it has no outside funding other than what it generates from the
sales of systems and IT services
Weak buying power and insignificant
influence over the partners
The company develops closed source
systems and software
The company can displace the high-priced
competition in the software development industry with adoption of more new
The has a chance to subscribe to
services such as Software as a Service (SaaS)
OEM opportunities
The company has a various opportunity to
venture into markets where the established system developers have not ventured
such as Latin America and Africa
The company has an opportunity to create
“Add-on” to the existing software products
The company can also leverage from the
already available software and system developers
There are possible new acquisitions in
the system and software development markets
The company will be competing with
companies that are large and funded to the tune of million dollars
The development of cloud computing could
disrupt some activities that the company depends on for revenue
Delays in releasing any new product
could lead to negative change of commitment by the customer that could be
adverse to the company
High Level Project Schedule
Project Sponsor
XYZ Enterprises is
the project champion and will therefore provide direction and necessary
support to the team. The management will approve the project for funding and
the scope. The management will also set the priority of the project relative
to other projects in their area of responsibility
Government Monitor
The government
monitor will be the bridge between the team and the sponsor. Furthermore, the
monitor will be the point of contact for the project manager to manage the
CDC’s daily interests.
Project Manager
The project manager
will perform daily management of the project. He also has particular
accountability for project management with the approved scope, time, cost,
and quality to delivered requirements, deliverables and customer needs
Business Steward
A management person
within the company who will be responsible for the success of the whole
Technical Steward
Technical steward
will be responsible for the technical daily aspects of the project. His
responsibilities include details of network perimeter implementation. He is
also responsible for providing technical support and directions to the
Security Steward
Security steward is responsible for
playing the role of maintaining the information security of the project
during implementation
Information System Security Officer
Definitions of roles and
responsibilities by the company according to the project
High Level Risk Management
Level (L/M/H)
Estimated project
Developed detailed
project timeline accompanied by regular baseline reviews
Inadequate knowledge
of users
Project manager
assigned to evaluate global implications
Creeping of project
Initial definitions
of scope in the plan, reviewed regularly to prevent creeping
Unrealistic cost estimates
Costs included in the plan and also
subject to amendment due to revelation of new scope details
Unrealistic timeline estimates
Somewhat likely
Frequent review of timeline to prevent
departures of undetected timeline
Availability of the project team
Somewhat likely
Regular reviewing of the project
momentum at all levels. Identification of impacts caused by unavailability
Lack of definition of change
management procedures
Unclear change management procedures
Weak participation of users in the
project team
Full time employee will coordinate
user group participants
Axinn, W. G., &
Pearce, L. D. (2006). Mixed methods data
collection strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Doraiswamy, P., &
Shiv, P. (2012). 50 top IT project
management challenges. Cambridgeshire, United
Kingdom: IT Governance Publishing.
Fine, L. G. (2009). The SWOT analysis: Using your strength to
overcome weaknesses, using opportunities
to overcome threats. Berlin: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Harrison, F. L., &
Lock, D. (2004). Advanced project
management: A structured approach. Aldershot:
Gower Publishing.
Lester, A. (2007). Project management, planning, and control.
Burlington: Butterworth- Heinemann.
Moustafaev, J. (2014). Project scope management. Boca Raton:
CRC Press.
Newel, M. W. (2005). Preparing for the Project Management
Professional (PMP) Certification Exam.
New York: AMACOM/American Management Association.
Olsen, W. (2011). Data collection: Key debates and methods in
social research. New York: SAGE
Stevens, R. E., &
Sherwood, P. K. (1982). How to prepare a
feasibility study: a step by step guide
including 3 model studies. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall.
Weller, S. C., &
Romney, A. K. (1988). Systematic data collection. New York: SAGE Publications.
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in Online Writing Services if you need a similar paper you can place your order from free essay writing services.
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