All through the Islamic history, the
confrontation does not limit to the difference between Sunni and Shiah, but the
pivotal conflict is between the dogmatic (fundamentalist) Islam and the dynamic
(modernism) Islam. Whether it is in the cloak of a ruler or a clergyman, there
have always been people who have misused and manipulated Islam so as to protect
their material interest or to legitimize their rule. Those opposing them are
movements and persons who strive to realize the genuine essence of Islam. In this
paper, I intend to discuss the future of Islam and religion and describe
whether peaceful co-existence is possible.
Islam and religion
Despotism is the unbridled rule that
confiscates any aspect of the life of the self without the fear of being a
question. Despot tends to rule over the lives of people, not according to their
religious belief or will, but according to his own. The despot tends to know he
is an invader; thus tramples upon the millions of people to silence them and
also deny them the chance of speaking or demanding the truth. In Islam, despots
are always taking advantage of religion so as to consolidate their rule. The
Quran normally require people to safeguard equality and freedom. However, the
despot never adopts a holy image apart for himself (Mohadddessin, 1995).
Islamic fundamentalists are usually
against modernity and revival, and they are irreconcilable. Fundamentalists
tend to reject the worldly inclination and insist that Muslims should obey
Islamic codes. Fundamentalists tend to stand against modernism that favors
modernity and revival; thus it is against any modernity and any new thoughts in
the religion. Fundamentalists are continually attacking and rejecting
conservatives and those who are compromising, hesitating, and reconciliatory
through attaching labels (Mohadddessin, 1995). These interpretations are made
against Islamic modernists because their attitude towards non-Muslim is
completely different. In Iran, these are
terms made in the shape of abuse, sarcasm, and allegations and normally leveled
against those who reject fundamentalist and monopolist interpretations made by
the religious scholars.
Islamic fundamentalism based on the
medieval and totalitarian ideology and it interferes in minor personal matters
of the citizenry, imposing a repressive system that tend to eliminate all
avenues for free social, economic, and political activities. It does not
recognize any geographical boundaries; hence, elevates among people because of
the region’s profound religious beliefs and sentiments. Most of the fundamentalists do not just
reject non-Islamic communities and government, but they also consider present
Islamic communities and governments as heathens and apostates, and they
excommunicate with the present Muslims, who obey and accept such governments.
With the radical view in mind, they tend to view themselves as away from the
realm of Islam and also believe that they should immigrate from the realm of
sin (Moaddel, 2005).
Peaceful co-existence
I believe that peaceful co-existence is
possible. So as to trace the controls of the ethical stance of coexistence and
its dimensions in the Islamic sense, there is nothing more relevant and
eloquent than the declaration of the Quran saying “people of the Scripture to
come to a word that is only between you and us.” Based on the reading, the
common denominator between the Islam and other people of the book is vast and
wide (Mohadddessin, 1995). Islam instills in the hearts of Muslims the seed of
predisposition for the coexistence with the other humankind; thus, it inclined
to foster co-existence amongst believers in God. However, the co-existence does
not mean a mandatory agreement on all matters according to what Islam
fundamentalists believe. The co-existence of Islam grounded on an amiable,
taking root in the faith.
The Quran normally refers to the
Christians and Jews as people of the book, because God had revealed Torah to
Modes and the Gospel to Jesus even before Muhammad received the message giving
the credence to the former messages. A salient manifestation of coexistence in
Islamic civilization is evident in Islam’s sustained perception of Christians
and Jews as the followers of God revealed religions. When Muslims are praying
and when they start any act, the mention and invoke the mercy of God (Moaddel,
2005). When they say in the name of Allah, the most gracious, and the most
merciful, they tend to emphasize the concept of God’s mercy and also
inter-human mercy stringed altogether.
Because God is every merciful, the human
beings must also be merciful irrespective of the religion, race, or color.
Something interesting is that mercy normally provides an individual with the
feeling of safety because it is something returned when given to others. Rationality is a reason for the peaceful
co-existence between religion and Islam. Rationality tends to be an inseparable
part of the Islam religion, and the rationality does not include the important
ingredient of judging the actions through their consequences. However, it is
rationality that guided by other Islamic values. The preferred action is
normally that action resulting in the greatest good or the least evil. In
Islam, the main good to achieve are the ones that can be acceptable in their
general sense to most people such as mental well-being, spiritual well-being,
or the human wealth. Based on the rational standard and those values, many will
prefer the peaceful co-existence over the clashes and wars in normal
The best favor that the Muslim can do to
a non-Muslim is inviting him to Islam and persuades them to come back to their
original nature. However, when doing that, Muslims should consider certain
factors in mind and abide by certain principles that in fact claim that, since
faith is a matter of the heart, no one should compel the other to accept it. It
will only be possible to achieve this through the peaceful atmosphere. Today,
there are many Islamic fundamentalist movements that are declaring war on their
people, and they are trying to transform their states on the model of a first
Islamic state. There is a new Islamic state that dominates civilization, and
its model controls the third world including Muslim world (Mohadddessin, 1995).
Islamic movements are revolting against it, but the strategies used are not
well thought-out. It is important that people should understand that the
peaceful coexistence among people from different religions and civilization
make it easy for them to exchange intellectual benefits and materials. It also
helps in cooperating in solving problems that they face as inhabitants of the
global village. However, the ideal picture of the peaceful coexistence and the
cooperation may not be possible of the West lives in a constant fear lest is
hegemony lost; thus, preventing others from developing.
The peaceful co-existence is also
possible when people realize that there is no compulsion in religion. People
normally have different reasons as to why they do something; however, they need
to understand clearly the reason behind their actions. The Quran states that
there is no compulsion in religion because it is in vain to try and forces
someone to accept a faith (Moaddel, 2005). It is not because it is in the
interest of people to have faith or believe in their choices. It is not
possible because there are some beliefs based on falsehood and cannot be good
for an individual who adheres to them or even to the society where they spread.
The invitation is a means of ensuring
peaceful co-existence. The aim of tolerating Islam and of living peacefully
with them and treating them well is to present the truth to them in the best
way possible for them to see and accept it. There is no rational individual who
has the idea of the amount of destructive weapon available in the world, and
the extent of damage it can cause can hesitate to be against any wars. So as to
avoid the wars, people should try to eradicate the many causes available and
stand for justice and any kinds of aggression and unfair treatment.
We are currently living in a period
where people of different beliefs find themselves obliged to live side by side
in the global village. It is also an environment where conventional weapons can
inflict great damage to the human life and everything that life depends on.
Thus, it is important that religions and different people should desire a
peaceful life and work towards ensuring a peaceful coexistence.
M (1995). Dogmatism versus Democracy: A Brief History of Fundamentalism,
Islamic Fundamentalism. Seven Locks Press 1-15
(1995). The Search for a Solution. Islamic Fundamentalism. Seven Locks Press 151-156
M (1995). Modern, Democratic Islam: Antithesis to Fundamentalism. Islamic
Fundamentalism. Seven Locks Press
M (2005). Islamic modernism.
University of Chicago Press
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in cheap term papers if you need a similar paper you can place your order from top research paper writing companies.
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