Friday, March 29, 2019

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Thursday, March 28, 2019

APA Style Paper

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MLA Style Paper

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Private violence summary

Private violence is a movie that depicts an Oklahoma cop Deanna, who is kidnapped by her estranged husband, Robbie. Deanna gets beaten by Robbie inside his truck while in their four-day journey. While in their journey, they are pulled over by police but despite the fact that Deanna was seriously injured, Robbie is not arrested. She is however taken to hospital where she receives treatment. Although the movie, Deanna fights to rebuild her life and see Robbie put behind bars. She is accompanied by Kit Gruelle a domestic violence victim who turns advocate through her journey to seek justice. Kit helps her to navigate through the complex world of domestic violence shelters, courts and law enforcements. Through kit’s work, the viewer is introduced to the lives of other domestic violence cases and helps us understand the invisible world of domestic violence.

Domestic violence:
Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that involves abuse and violence against a partner in a domestic setting. Domestic violence takes different forms and may involve physical, verbal, emotional, sexual or economic abuse. In this movie, Deanna is assaulted physically by her husband inside his track and she is physically as well as emotionally injured. This is a form of domestic violence whereby the females are the most affected as compared to their male counterparts.
Consequences of domestic violence:
The major consequence of domestic violence is physical injury. In this movie, Deanna undergoes physical injury at the hands of her husband. She is highly bruised though she is treated and discharged from the hospital. Similarly, the victims of domestic violence are also psychologically and emotionally tormented as the case Deanna who feels deprived her rights to justice and she undergoes severe emotional torture as she seeks justice. Other than these injuries, the victims also are occupationally affected as they may spend most of their time seeking justice.
Family Violence Model:
Duluth Model:
The Duluth model is a program that is designed to fight domestic violence against women. This model is named after Duluth city where it was initiated. This model is the most applied women battering program in United States. The Duluth model considers women and children to be more vulnerable to violence due to their unequal economic, social and political status in the society. The model is based in feminist theory that positions that the encouragement of men and the ideology that they are expected to control the females is the major cause of domestic violence. The program helps the women batterers to change their attitudes and their behavior and learn to be nonviolent in their relationships.
Type of Family Violence:
The type of family violence demonstrated in this movie is a relationship violence and intimate partner violence. The movie portrays the abuse Deanna undergoes in the hands of her husband. Robbie physically injures Deanna in the entire course of their four-day journey. This type of violence is among the most common type of domestic violence experienced by many American families and involves one partner in the marriage causing physical, sexual, and psychological or emotional violence to the other partner. Physical violence involves the intentional use of physical cause that could result in injury, harm or even death. On the other hand, sexual violence involves compelling a partner to engage unwillingly in sex acts or even abusive sexual contact. In addition, psychological or emotional violence involving causing trauma to the victim through actions such as threats or humiliations.
Professional or Criminal Justice Response:
Kit Gruelle who is also a victim of domestic violence and an advocate who helps other women to seek justice assisted Deanna in seeking her right to justice. Kit who has also undergone domestic violence assists other women who are entangled in violent relationships and she engages in introducing them to institutions that are supposed to help the victims of domestic violence. However, her efforts bear no fruits as those institutions fail to deliver the women from their torturing marriages. The institutions such as the courts that should help the victims of domestic violence turns their backs against Deanna and her fellow victims place the blame on the domestic violence victims. These institutions argue that the women are to blame since they are the cause of the violence they are trying to flee. Though Kit had good intentions of saving the victims of domestic violence, the institutions that are meant to safeguard them puts her efforts to waste.
Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that involves abuse and violence against a partner in a domestic setting. Domestic violence takes different forms and may involve physical, verbal, emotional, sexual or economic abuse. The victims of domestic violence may experience physical, sexual, emotional or psychological harm. At times, the institutions that are meant to protect these victims may fail to offer justice and protection to them leading to their demoralization. During this activity, I learned that domestic violence is a common feature in most domestic relationships, even though, most of the victims may decide to keep their experiences as a secret. However, there are models that are developed to reduce the rate of domestic violence and each of the partners in a relationship should have respect for each other.

Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my nursing research paper services. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from essay already written services.

Case studies

Case #8
Urinalysis results for 23-year-old mother of two, with back pain, chills, fever and vomiting. She is pregnant. There are no abnormalities detected in the urine although it appears cloudy. Turbidity in urine signifies the presence of the defect in the urine. Maybe due to the presence of leukocytes or nitrites or even cast cells. It could also be due to the presence of red blood cells or an indication of urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections are regular in pregnant women due to their immunocompromised systems that make it easier to predispose them to infections. The consequential occurrences will involve a marked rise in the production of white blood cells that appear as leukocyte esterase in urinalysis tests. There are two primary forms of urinary tract infections that distinguish themselves by their symptoms. The first, lower urinary tract infection is located in the bladder, prostate or urethra. The upper urinary tract infection infects the kidney.

The abnormal results in her urine were leukocyte esterase and nitrite results that were both positive. There are also cast cells seen, a few red blood cells, both epithelial and squamous cells can be seen. There is the notable presence of bacterial rods. Infections of the lower urinary tract cause dysuria, frequency and urgency to urinate. Upper urinary tract infection (kidney) comes with symptoms like fever, chills and may be vomiting due to disease of the kidney. In some instances, infection penetrates the upper urinary tract from the bladder. The infection then accesses the collecting tubules and results in interstitial nephritis. There is localized ischemia that results in altered imaging and necrosis and scarring.
The presence of white blood cell casts indicates renal-origin pyuria (painful urination) enhancing the diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis, where cast cells are seldom seen.
Case #9
The second case is a 23-year-old male. He had acute abdominal pain and was previously on admission for psychiatric care. The urine is purple in color and hazy in turbidity. All parameters are normal apart from urobilinogen that shows 8EU in Ehrlich’s reaction, typical of diazo strip and active in both Hoesch and Watson-Schwartz tests. The test results showed the presence of urobilinogen in Ehrlich’s response. Watson-Schwartz test is useful in the differentiation between urobilinogen and porphobilinogen. Presence of urobilinogen in urine is an indicator of a hemolytic process like hemolytic anaemia. It would also be high in infectious hepatitis and cirrhosis. Comparison between bilirubin results and urobilinogen results give an insight into the cause of the disease.
 When urobilinogen is positive and the bilirubin test is negative, then hemolytic anaemia can be concluded. Watson-Schwartz tests yield more concise results and are more sensitive and concrete for porphobilinogen. It is very significant when testing for hepatic porphyrias. The abnormal color in the urine is caused by the presence of porphobilinogen that gives urine to have “red wine” color. Hoesch screening test does not show the reaction with urobilinogen. Drawing from the above observations the conclusive result is that the patient suffers from hemolytic anaemia.
The results analysis using Watson- Schwartz test is quite qualitative and concrete for the diseases. Since laparotomy is for the doctor to examine the inner parts of the abdomen to establish the cause of illness, then it will no longer be necessary. The patient suffers from hemolytic anaemia.

Case #10
The patient is suffering from sickle cell anaemia with chronic anaemia and jaundice. The color of his urine is abnormally amber with the active urobilinogen test. All other parameters are standard. Urobilinogen is produced in breaking down bilirubin in the intestines. Half of it is secreted in faeces while the other portion circulates back to the liver and the remaining portion released in urine. Ehrlich test alone is not enough because even healthy patients have urobilinogen in the urine that is detectable using Ehrlich’s test. An additional test using Diazo reaction is, therefore, significant. Hemoglobin is not positive in the test because in chronic hemolysis, red blood cells are destroyed. Then the products are broken down into other forms which are then released into the urine. Bilirubin is also broken down in the intestines and transformed to urobilinogen.
Someone with jaundice but absence of bilirubin shows the presence of either hemolysis or a hepatic dysfunction. Leukocytosis and neutrophilia are not common in viral hepatitis but common in alcoholic hepatitis. Urobilinogen is released at high levels in the case of hemolytic jaundice as in the event of this patient. Normally, bilirubin forms from the breakdown of aged erythrocytes by the reticuloendothelial cells. They lead to the formation of biliverdin. Increased levels of red blood cells breakdown result in hemolytic anemia that is characterized by high biliverdin levels and consequently high bilirubin levels. Indirect bilirubin is secreted by the liver and conjugated to direct bilirubin with glucuronic acid. Somehow, the bilirubin finds its way to the small intestine where it is further broken down into urobilinogen and a portion of it goes back to circulation. That is precisely why patients with jaundice will never test positive for bilirubin even when it is high in circulation. Moreover, bilirubin reacts very fast with air and all results will turn out negative if care is not taken.
There is a high degree of bilirubin in the case of the primary bile duct obstruction, intrahepatic cholestasis and in other instances such as infection with hepatitis.

Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my nursing research paper services. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from essay already written services.

Sociology of Gender

Gender refers to the communally created roles, behaviors, activities and attributes as well as biological characteristics that a given community finds suitable for men and women. Our society has many different opinions and specifications on the on breaking down what it means to be male or female (Giddens, et al. 2000). In the process of developing these opinions, the society created norms and beliefs that affect the daily lives of different sexes (Giddens, et al. 2000). These standards and expectations consequently established gender roles in the society. The sociology of gender describes the perception of sex and the resultant behavior by the community. Sociology of gender divides the argument into two broad fields, male and female (Wharton, A. S. 2009). The essay discusses the sociology of gender. It reviews these gender roles in detail and how they affect key fields in the community today. The article shows how gender roles created in society are creating gender inequality.

After assessing the articles, thoroughly I realized that Gender identity affects politics in vast ways. It affects policy making as well as participation in the policy of a state. The ideology of gender roles created inequality in the political participation of men and women. Majority of the states in the world barely have any women leaders (Wharton, A. S. 2009). There is a lot of research studying gender role attitudes and their effects on the levels of women’s political representation. The study shows that traditional gender role attitudes act as a barrier to women’s legislative representation at each stage of the requirement process (Paxton, Kunovich& Hughes, 2007). It starts from the point of women’s decision to participate in politics, to party policies and decisions regarding the candidate or to decisions on the day of the election made by the voters.
According to the articles, there are many opinions regarding politics that result in these three conclusions. The society may instill norms that make women believe that competitiveness and political ambition is a masculine characteristic. As a consequence, women hesitate to participate in politics because they perceive it as a man’s world. The society demoralizes the women making them believe that they are incapable of achieving in this field through such norms (Eagly, A. H. 1995). The society also has traditional gender stereotypes that can impose restrictions on women seeking to indulge in politics (Paxton, Kunovich& Hughes, 2007). The stereotypes pressure the women to prioritize family responsibilities. Another issue identified that affects the participation of women in politics is the limited support they get. In a society that believes that the policy is a man’s domain women tend to get less support as compared to men (Paxton, Kunovich& Hughes, 2007). It disheartens women preventing them from taking part in politics. Gender roles also exist as powerful social set ups that shape policies in many ways.
Political institutions influence the impact of social policies on gender. It is hard to create policies that favor women because, in most cases, women are significantly underrepresented in political systems (Wharton, A. S. 2009). However over time women found ways to influence the political domain to their advantage. It includes the use of female groups (Paxton, Kunovich& Hughes, 2007). Women groups are especially making considerable progress in effecting social change in the economy and social policies. These actions help create policies supportive to women. The prevailing ideologies among the decision makers have an impact on gender relations to politics. It depends on whether the policymakers have strong socialist-oriented ideologies or have a dominant ideology of individualism and free- market capitalism. The cultural or tradition of a location may affect its beliefs on gender preference in terms of politics (Giddens, et al. 2000).
Cultural ideals of gender create expectations for and influence the structure and functioning of the family. In the broad context, a family includes a father mother and children. Gender roles affect the very structure if a family (Giddens, et al. 2000). Gender identity assigns roles to each member of the family. The males, that is the father and the sons do the hard activities such as mowing the lawn and fixing broken items (Anderson, K. L. 1997). The females (mother and daughters) deal with the hygiene and the cleanliness of the family. Gender roles place the male as the head of the family and associate them with security and financial support and sometimes the disciplinarian of the family. The females get associated with the stability and continuity of the family. All of these roles vary according to cultural concepts (Anderson, K. L. 1997). The articles illustrate that many children by a particular age are aware of their sex and the differences and the ideology sticks for the remaining part of their life. Even at early stages many of these children will develop gender stereotypes on certain activities, items such as toys or even clothes (Giddens, et al. 2000). Socialization discusses the roles given to different sexes, for example, how a parent will associate roughness and physical play with boys than girls. It is also true that adults will communicate differently with boys than girls. Study shows that both boys and girls as they grow old they develop different communicative patterns such as boys using aggression to acquire attention (Anderson, K. L. 1997).
According to the articles, traditional concepts of the masculine character dominating the feminine character create reason for gender violence in the world today (Anderson, K. L. 1997). It simply means that the society institutionally positions women as inferior and objects worth of violence (Anderson, K. L. 1997). The culture makes violence against women normal and silences victims of violence. In a society, there are three main fields where gender violence dominates. They include; in the family, traditional practices like female genital mutilation and in the community as whole for example raping or sexual harassment (Anderson, K. L. 1997).
Sexuality refers to both sexual behavior and sexual desire. Cultural beliefs and customs expect and find the heterosexuality normal in society. The cultural beliefs created from the perspective of the embodiment of people in society affects people's outlook on sexuality. Very many people in the world as whole consider heterosexuality very normal (Valocchi, S. 2005). The high number of matrimonial unions vividly clarifies the normality of heterosexuality. Due to the normality of heterosexuality it is impossible to believe that there are other sexualities. The society will discriminate against other sexualities and consider them perverse and unnatural (Valocchi, S. 2005).
The conflict theory of sociology is imminent in the essay. The domination of men in society is apparent. The article suggests that the male superiority in modern civilization is a function of culturally-installed patriarchy that favors men and oppresses women in our community. According to the social order of things, men are the dominant group and women are the subordinated group in our society. In this essay, men’s dominance is imminent in the political domain. Women are highly underrepresented in most states due to communal beliefs that created a system where man dominates over women. Even in the family background the male gender is associated with dominance in the household activities as well as responsibility. There are also retrogressive cultures that oppress human through gender violence that is justified by cultural norms.
An individual’s gender is intricate, revolving around countless characteristics of appearance, speech, movement and other factors not entirely limited to biological sex. Gender disparities exist in nearly every social experience from the moment a person gets born till they die. Gender presumptions affect how boys and girls are viewed. In fact, gender prospects may begin before birth as parents select out colors for the decorating room, clothes and toys and decorate the baby’s room with stereotyped gender ideals. I believe it is important fully to comprehend the field of sociology of gender. It helps us understand people’s behavioral patterns in the community. Full comprehension of this topic allows an individual and a community at large make amends to beliefs that affect the social health.

Anderson, K. L. (1997). Gender, status, and domestic violence: An integration of feminist and family violence approaches. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 655-669.
Eagly, A. H. (1995). The science and politics of comparing women and men. American Psychologist, vol. 50 issue 3, page 145.
Giddens, A., Duneier, M., Appelbaum, R. P., & Carr, D. (2000). Introduction to sociology. New York: WW Norton.
Paxton, P., Kunovich, S., & Hughes, M. M. (2007). Gender in politics. Annu. Rev. Sociol., vol. 33, page 263-284.
Valocchi, S. (2005). Not Yet Queer Enough The Lessons of Queer Theory for the Sociology of Gender and Sexuality. Gender & Society, vol. 19 issue 6, page 750-770.
Wharton, A. S. (2009). The sociology of gender: An introduction to theory and research. John Wiley & Sons.

Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in write my nursing research paper services. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from essay already written services.