Thursday, May 9, 2019


            Love is a four-letter word that is very important in the world today. It is a powerful tool that everyone needs because it helps to conquer all things. Unity always exists where there’s love. It is important we all love each other genuinely to progress in life.
            My first selection is a poem by Kate Summers composed in 2017, having the title, ‘Describe that Feeling.’ The poem has a concise depiction of the feeling of love which is hard to describe and likens it to various things. The poet makes a declaration to love his lover forever and even longer despite not being sure how to describe the feeling. The poem is relevant for this assignment since it attempts to describe what love is. The tool that I use to talk about it is the aspect of the expression of feelings.

            My second selection is a visual art, called a Heart Tree, showing the roman couple on Valentine’s Day obtained from the Pinterest website. The visual art is relevant for the assignment since it depicts how people express love to each other in an environment that appears to be appropriate only for romantic ideas. The tool useful in talking about it is imagination where the viewer is not sure of what the couple talks about.

            The third selection is a song called “(I’ll be with you) IN Apple Blossom Time” for the 1920s that was written by Albert Von Tilzer and lyricist Neville Fleeson. Various artists have recorded it throughout the 20th century. It is relevant to this assignment since it focuses on the theme of love by the artist promising her lover that she will be with her to change her name to his. Love is not expressed openly in the song, but it implies that the two people must be in love for them to have a wedding. The tool I use to talk about it is an expression where the artist expresses what is in her heart for her lover.
Albert Von Tilzer & lyricist Neville Fleeson (1920) Song: I’ll be with you in Apple Blossom           Time
Heart Tree. Romantic Couple Valentine’s Day .
Kate Summers (2017) Poem: Describe that Feeling.

Carolyn Morgan is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in Online Paper Writing Service. If you need a similar paper you can place your order from Professional Custom Writing Services.

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